Is Nancy Pelosi Undermining America’s Greatest Ally?

Nancy Pelosi is threatening to cut any trade deals with the United Kingdom if the border in Northern does not remain open. Fox News reports:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, speaking on foreign soil Wednesday, created some domestic tensions over President Trump’s call for a U.S.-U.K. trade deal should Britain leave the European Union — telling the Irish Parliament that such a deal stands “no chance” if Brexit hurts the 1998 Irish peace accords.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we must ensure that nothing happens in Brexit discussions that imperils the Good Friday accord – including, but not limited to, the seamless border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland,” she told the Irish Parliament.

“Let me be clear: if the Brexit deal undermines the Good Friday accords, there will be no chance of a U.S.-U.K. trade agreement,” said Pelosi, D-Calif., who is in the country as part of a U.S. delegation.

Pelosi’s reference to the Good Friday agreement refers to a complex issue related to Britain’s departure from the bloc, and how to reconcile trade between Northern Ireland (part of the U.K. and therefore leaving the bloc) and the independent Ireland (which would be staying in the E.U.) without the formation of a “hard border” between the two. The Good Friday Agreement brought an end to “The Troubles” that dogged Ireland for decades, and brought closer cooperation between Ireland and Northern Ireland — including allowing people in Northern Ireland to identify as Irish, British or both.


Although the Good Friday agreement is important, Britain is a sovereign nation that can control its borders if it wishes. Britain has excellent relations with the Irish government, and there is no need to add fuel to the fire in these troubling times.

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5 years ago

I wish she would go LOCK HERSELF IN HER CAR AGAIN!

Richard Ingraham Pigott
Richard Ingraham Pigott
5 years ago

Pity that birth control isnt retroactive as we could use it for Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker & Cher!

5 years ago

Piglosi needs to mind her own f*****g business and let the United Kingdom take care of their own affairs. Usually when someone sticks their nose where it doesn’t belong they get it broken — hope it happens to her.

5 years ago

Why is she inserting herself in to another country’s business? She can’t even take care of business in the U.S. and her own party!!

5 years ago

I think Pelosi is totally correct unless you were there when the IRA was in action you do not realize how many people died because of Religion, no other reason, and to return to that where a parent can not even visit their own children who live next door, would seem like North Korea, it took a lot of talking to get to where it is open borders now so why go back to something in the past. My family members lived through those horrible years.

Rodger Shull
Rodger Shull
5 years ago

pelosi doesn’t care what damage she does, and long as it hurts THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA DONALD TRUMP.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rodger Shull

100% correct.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rodger Shull


Diane Smith
Diane Smith
5 years ago

Who gives Pelosi the right to make statements about what the president and congress will decide? But then, she always was blatantly cheeky. WHEN is she going to get off the ‘Get Trump ‘ farce and get down to the nation’s business? Am so sick of hearing what she and other democrats should be putting a stop to: the freshwomen’s juvenile daydreams

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
5 years ago

Nancy’s too stupid to see that ufettered alien passage has been a major factor in the impending collapse of the EU. It probably would have collapsed anyway but illegal alien violence, disregard for local culture, refusal to assimilate and dependency on the government hastened it. It’s the same everywhere. One reason the UK is first to exit is the Brits are defenseless against torches, machetes, knives, bludgeons and whatnot.

Shelba Herring
Shelba Herring
5 years ago

Since when has peloser become president and declare there will be no talks between the US and the UK she needs to come to an understanding that she has no power to declare anything, the president should set her down and tell her me president you house speaker, you do not have the power or the right to declare anything

5 years ago

Pelosi is doing just what her father Satan wants her to do.

5 years ago

I heard an old saying years ago from a man who was correct when he said what he said: It bears repeating; Nancy Pelosi is “As Blind as a Bat backing into a Blizzard!” This woman is deceived and blinded by her thoughts and opinions! Actaully, truth is: she is probably being controlled by whoever it is that pays her salary, or whoever made her rich! Money is her god and that’s all she cares about! The welfare of this nations people, or any others, means “NOTHING to this woman! The TRUTH has less meaning than that to her! HOW DOES she sleep at night?

5 years ago

NOTICE when Major Events Occur, (ahem)
‘they’ ARE On / Flee to Foreign Soil.
An Aside: Michelle ‘o’ In Paris/ dinner cruise
drinking wine as Notre Dame Top layer OAK
Roof BURNS,. & ‘Artifacts’ > confiscated’.
NO MAJOR DAMAGE, just so ya ‘know’ ___

5 years ago

Everything she touches she turns to garbage. That’s the Dumbascrap way. What’s hilarious is she demands respect and gets none because she’s too stupid to understand it’s an earned quality….and whines when she doesn’t and throws hissy fits.

5 years ago

SINCE WHEN ? does a House Speaker have Power To
“CUT OFF’ Trade ???

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