SHOCKING: Trump Agrees with Obama

White House Photographer Pete Souza

President Trump has highlighted his support for Obama’s statements on stopping illegal immigrants while he was still a senator. The Washington Examiner reports:

President Trump said Tuesday that he agrees with sentiments expressed by then-Sen. Barack Obama, who said that those who employ illegal immigrants are disrespecting U.S. law.

“I agree with President Obama 100%!” Trump tweeted, with a video of Obama speaking when he was still a Democratic senator for Illinois.


“Those who enter the country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law,” Obama said in the clip. “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

Currently a caravan with thousands of migrants is making its way to the U.S. border through way of Mexico.

This shows just how much the Democrat party has changed in 10 years when it comes to illegal immigration.

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5 years ago

Well the one thing President Trump didn’t say was that Obama lied a lot…..daily….everytime he opened his mouth as President. but you won’t pin him down when he was a Senator….he will
conveniently develop dementia…

John B Myers
John B Myers
5 years ago
Reply to  Danhoch

Mentally Ill. Delusional –

5 years ago

We have a great president. He know when to agree. We can work both sides!!!
Only vote for patriots of this Country’s Constitution and Biblically heritage. Any vote for a Democrat is ultimately Anti-American and anti-God, since Democrats booed God off and out of their DNC platform and party in both ‘12 and ’16.
. Pray, work campaign $upport and bring voters to Republican candidate.
. Republican’s worst is better than Democrat’s best.

5 years ago

shut them down at the border 1.

Chuck Adkins
Chuck Adkins
5 years ago

Why does the media find it OK to report what Obama may have said before he became president and what Trump is actually doing about a situation as if Obama would have done the same? There is a huge difference in saying and actually doing something. This used to be considered “Yellow Journalism”. Not even humorous. Trump has actually accomplished more in 2 years that Obama did in 2 terms. Chuck

John B Myers
John B Myers
5 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Adkins

Delusional –

5 years ago

Anyone who thinks it is OK to let people just walk across our borders does not have any common sense. This has to be stopped.

5 years ago

..Time to cut off all Monetary Aid to this countries that let this caravans form and also let them thru their territory with out impunity!!….Cut off Nicaragua, El Salvador Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico, to start with!!,…

5 years ago

‪Obozzo is just as mentally deranged as the rest of the NAZI Commie Demoncrat MOBs! Pelosi, Waters, Schumer and you know the rest! Vote Republican to save the country from being another Commie shit hole like Venezuela!‬

F. J. Garza
F. J. Garza
5 years ago

Who cares what Obama might or might not have said? We have to deal with the here and now. It is said that these invaders are attempting to escape poverty and crime. The problem is that they are bringing their poverty and crime with them. They can’t run away from it. They don’t have any job skills. So where are they going to work? Are they going to add to our homeless population? What are they going to do when the money they are getting on their trek stops? Have any of the plutocrats in Congress or in Hollywood stepped forward to sponsor any of them or to invite them to stay in their homes until they are established?

Oat 35
Oat 35
5 years ago

Trump has it correct, build a Wall, build a new immigration process and send back any foreigner who has been identified as a violent criminal to their originating countries. We need to fix immigration once and for all because the leftist liberal democrats will destroy America with their immigration ideology.

5 years ago

It really should now be “Obama agrees with Trump”!

5 years ago
Reply to  Julia

Sadly, it’s “Obummer USED TO agree with President Trump.” Or more likely, “Obummer used to CLAIM he agrees with President Trump.” Like all Demonrats, he certainly knew how to “talk out of both sides of his mouth”.

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