US Rejects UN Panels Ridiculous Accusation

The United States has rejected an accusation over abortion from a UN panel.

According to The Hill:

The U.S. government on Wednesday denied a United Nations panel’s accusation that states have restricted abortion access during the COVID-19 pandemic, and rejected the notion that there is an assumed “right to abortion.”


“The United States is disappointed by and categorically rejects this transparent attempt to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to assert the existence of such a right,” the U.S. mission in Geneva said in a letter to the U.N. Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls.

The mission was responding to a letter the working group sent in May regarding alleged undue “restrictions taken in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic impeding access to abortion services” in the United States.

The U.S. called the panel’s letter “bizarre and inexplicable,” and said the accusations were “a perversion of the human rights system and the founding principles of the United Nations.”

President Trump has even scolded the UN, in a speech where he said that the body has no business attacking the sovereignty of nations that wish to protect innocent life.

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3 years ago


Vincent Scott
Vincent Scott
3 years ago
Reply to  ABUTOM

Like it! If the UN survives the abortion, we should kill their finding!!! ROTFLMAO!!!

Vincent Scott
Vincent Scott
3 years ago

Time to kick the UN out of the US and cut off all funding. Enough is enough. Nikki Haley, former UN Ambassador, started with having the US cut off foreign aid to the back stabbing countries who were screwing with us in the UN. Now its time to cut off the UN!!! “Hast la vista, baby!

Rodger Shull
Rodger Shull
3 years ago

DUMP the UN, before 2021 , NO USA $$$ and NO USA LAND and NO USA BUILDING. Kick them into the harbor.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rodger Shull

“Kick them into the harbor”?

Nah – think bigger! Kick them out past geo-synch orbit and into an eventual collision with the Sun…

John Skoufis
John Skoufis
3 years ago

This is the terrorist controlled organization who does nothing to save endangered live whether it be in China, Iran, Kosovo, Corona virus lies on possible infection in humans, and others. They think killing unborn children for any cause at any time is a human right. And why not since they do this every day in Africa.

Rodger Shull
Rodger Shull
3 years ago
Reply to  John Skoufis

The UN is nothing more than a MONEY PIT for people of little value to society

3 years ago

Properly named, the UN should include the word “Liberty”
As in un-liberty; communist organization.

Bill Turney
Bill Turney
3 years ago

The UN is entirely irrelevant.

3 years ago

Long before Trump even thought of being POTUS he had valid issues with the UN – all of them spot on!!! The entire UN should be told to get out of this nation and let them try and find another country to infect with their miserable New World Order!!

Trump tried to patch things up with the UN but it was a total waste of time and money.

Larry Wayne Larson
Larry Wayne Larson
3 years ago

We really don’t care what the UN thinks. They have been corrupt for many a decade. It’s time to let them go on their own and see how long they last without our considerable contributions.

3 years ago

USA out of the UN, UN out of the USA!

3 years ago

Good. Nice that we have a president with the stones to tell the U.N. to butt out.

James McCabe
James McCabe
3 years ago

Tell the UN to take a hike. They have no control over the U.S. no matter what they think. This is our country not theirs so they need to go away. At some point I hope Trump pulls out of the UN they are worthless.

3 years ago

Now everyone touts our Declaration of Independence, and there are words some seem to forget. Like life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Then they go out of their way to make persons lives miserable who do not believe their way. Now I do believe the Constitution of this USA says this is a freedom of religion or no religion, and that no laws shall be made in support of any religion, yet most of the laws in this USA are based on the Christian Religion.
Now abortion has been going on since there was mankind, and making laws to punish persons will not stop it or slow it down in any way, just more dead women in horrible back allies and dirty places because they will not want to bring a child into such a world as we have today. Religion is dying so fast it just amazes me no end, in 1960 about 60+5 of the population of this USA, said they were into religion in some way, now, now in 2010 only about 39% said they were into religion. The bottom line is that if anyone wants religion to survive then they have got to stop pushing their beliefs off on those who do not share the same beliefs, now if you so strongly believe that is fine let your GOD sort those others out, it is not right or proper to push others around .

Ginger Firestone
Ginger Firestone
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

So don’t go around knocking females up and they won’t need an abortion. As to life, liberty and the pursuit (not necessarily accomplished) of happiness – well the unborn babies deserve life also. Put them up for adoption if you don’t want them; better still don’t get pregnant, it’s not like anyone doesn’t know how babies are made. Forget the religious aspect of it. If it has a heartbeat, it’s alive and deserves life.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I am an atheist, a Republican and I believe that an abortion is murder – no other way that it can be. Now your “religious belief” theory has been blown to h@!!.

Ginger Firestone
Ginger Firestone
3 years ago

Now can we get out of the UN and send them packing? We don’t need to put up with their abuse, we get enough of it from our own.

edward angell
edward angell
3 years ago

As I have said many times. Get the U.S. the heck out of the u n and the u n out of the U.S.A.

Ron Brooks
Ron Brooks
3 years ago

The globalist corporation “UN” doesn’t run this country, we do. I don’t care if they agree with our abortion policies & beliefs, they are why the world is in the mess it’s in now. Shut the UN down, evict them from our land, and send them all back to their own countries. There is no “assumed right” to murder defenseless babies.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

The “Wicked witch of California” said she would call in the U.N. to collect our guns if “We the People” refused to turn them in. Great, that way I don’t have to shoot American Police, or military. Most U.N. troops are from shit hole countries that can’t fight which makes it all the better for our side. Send them packing. Let China, North Korea, or Iran or one of the countries support them that hate us so bad. They are wanting this so it reduces the number of Americans so when they attack there are less of us to fight converting to Islam and commies. America isn’t perfect, but we are the best that has ever come along on this planet ever. We may do down, but not without a fight.

3 years ago

Why not move the UN to the Central African Republic? It will get thousands of spies out of the US, and improve living conditions and create employment throughout Africa. Central Africa is much closer to most of the capitals of the member countries than New York, so they will create fewer greenhouse gases by their travel to the UN. Win, win, win.

3 years ago

TRUMP 2021 RESET- Tell the assembled Socialist idiots when meeting in DAVOS to go pound sand! Global-communists can get some anytime they feel froggy. USA just as powerful as we have always been. Bunker-busters, Moab’s, and Green Lasers; come get some CHINA! Wanna’ dance Putin?

3 years ago

We need them off our soil and we need to get out of it. Been a bunch of America haters since the beginning!

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