Trump Announces Agreements With Insurance Companies to Cover Wuhan Testing

White House [Public Domain]

President Trump has announced an agreement with health insurance companies that will have them cover Wuhan testing and not charge a co-pay.

According to The Hill:

President Trump met with a number of health insurance company CEOs on Tuesday morning as the Wuhan virus continues to spread in the United States and around the world. Health insurance companies have agreed to cover Wuhan virus testing and will not charge a co-pay.

President Trump is headed to Capitol Hill this afternoon for a meeting with lawmakers about passing a payroll tax cut and help for hourly workers to blunt the economic fallout of the virus. Late last week a $8.5 billion emergency funding package was passed and signed into law.

“We’re also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting help so that they can be in a position where they’re not going to ever miss a paycheck. We’ll be working with companies, small companies, large companies, a lot of companies so that they don’t get penalized for something that’s not their fault. It’s not their fault, it’s not our country’s fault. This was something that we were thrown into and we’re going to handle it, we have been handling it very well. The big decision was early when we shut down our borders,” Trump said Tuesday night during a briefing from the White House.

Vice President Mike Pence will hold a press briefing from the White House Tuesday evening to give an update on the virus and the ongoing work of the administration task force to mitigate the situation.

One of the major hurdles facing the response is the lack of testing kits currently available.
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Von Druid
Von Druid
4 years ago

There you go, he’s been doing something constructive with his time instead of running around like a headless chicken freaking people out over this thing.

4 years ago

This President is the President of the people, he gives his pay away to agency’s that will put it to good use, he has kept his promises he made to us, he has brought jobs back, more money coming in to our coffers from the tariffs, all business has expanded, payrolls have increased and so much more, so I ask you why in hell would anyone vote for people who would take all of this away from us .

4 years ago

Coronavirus updates: World death toll passes 4,000, lockdown paralyzes Italy, US markets open with massive gains
Tips for identifying influenza, coronavirus and their evolution.

a.High temperature 103 F, runny nose and sputum are most likely flu.
b.High temperature 103 F, dry nose and dry cough means coronavirus.

1. Wuhan virus is not resistant to temperatures above 26-27 C (79-81 F) and to sunlight. The use of hot food and hot drinks during this period has a protective effect.
2. The virus has the size of 400-500 nm so any medical mask (not only N95 ! ) helps,
3. The virus survives on metal surfaces for 12 hours (be careful when touching metal objects in public spaces!),
4. The virus remains active on fabrics for up to 6-12 hours but is rapidly destroyed by washing with detergent or hot water, non-washable fabrics can be exposed to sunlight to destroy the virus.

The coronavirus stages

a. The virus primarily affects the neck causing a dry pain sensation lasting 3-4 days. For most here, the suffering ends,
b.For some of the patients, the virus, through the nasal fluid, enters the trachea, lungs and produces pneumonia. At the beginning of this phase, patients feel a choking sensation similar to drowning in the water. The medical intervention is necessary for ventilation of the lungs for a period of 5-6 days ;after the effects of the virus disappear.

Touching public objects or not keeping the distance of 2m of infected individuals is dangerous. If the public objects are touched the hands should be washed before touching the nose, the virus surviving on the hands for a maximum of 5-10 minutes! Any disinfectant destroys coronavirus .

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