Trump’s Ultimate Plan to Defeat Iran

US Department of Defense

President Trump is replacing US troops with local allies in a bid to expel Iranian troops and operatives from Syria. The Free Beacon reports:

The Trump administration, via Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is beginning to build a coalition of Arab allies that will help the United States expel “every last Iranian boot” from Syria and ensure the Islamic Republic’s march across the Middle East is stopped in its tracks, according to U.S. officials.

Pompeo arrived in Bahrain early Friday to hold the first of a series of meetings with Arab leaders in key gulf nations, including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Oman. During this leg of Pompeo’s weeklong trek across the region, the secretary of state will continue his behind-the-scenes efforts to rally Arab nations to ]confront Iran, according to updated information provided to the Washington Free Beacon by the State Department.


During private meetings with Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa in his palace, Pompeo sought to obtain the country’s support for a growing U.S.-Arab coalition aimed at “countering the Iranian regime’s dangerous activities,” according to the State Department, which previewed the second-half of Pompeo’s trip to reporters here Friday afternoon.

The Trump administration is singularly focused on the Iranian threat and has blasted the rogue regime’s malign activities in meetings and appearances both public and private since Pompeo arrived in the Middle East earlier this week.

This will enable US forces to remain flexible and ready to operate in another theater of war.

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Rodger Shull
Rodger Shull
5 years ago

well while they are at it, they can EXPEL all IRANIANS from the USA .

5 years ago
Reply to  Rodger Shull

That would be an achievement like no other and one I am fully on board with. Can you envision the meltdown by dimms? They would literally lose what small minds they have and their inability to mentally survive would be the cherry on top of the cake!

Raymond F Miller
Raymond F Miller
5 years ago


Shelba Herring
Shelba Herring
5 years ago

Trump needs to investigate the Iranians that obama brought into this country and illegally gave them citizenship they were brought here when he made his deal with Iran, recind their citizenship and deport them back to Iran

5 years ago
Reply to  Shelba Herring

I can only imagine Hussein’s reasoning for importing Iranians. If we truly knew EVERYTHING Hussein got away with, well, I believe we would be inclined to reinstate public hangings.

5 years ago

trump needs to reverse any and all of obama’s illegal “deals” with the irianians. the iranian people are good people but they have their own country. go home and kick the crazy bastards out of your own country it is more suited for you than america..

5 years ago

NEVER EVER TRUST A MUSLIM … According to their Koran they are mandated to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, and KILL all infidels !


The ONLY peaceful Muslim is buried 6 feet under !

5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

I have read the Koran and I have to believe that all those who are so supportive of Islam either have never read the Koran OR are foolish enough to believe they will somehow be exempt from the true goal of Islam. Strange thing is… I see no exceptions notated in the Koran, convert or die, period. They hate Americans, they hate America, they hate Israel & the Jewish people. All the women’s groups, they will be in for a rude awakening when they are beheaded for speaking, for being in public without a male & for not covering themselves with a Burka, etc..
I’m glad I read it because I truly had no real clue until I did. America really should wake up and realize what’s in store for us if something is not done to eliminate this great threat.

Carolyn Goodin
Carolyn Goodin
5 years ago

I only have one comment. Not all Muslims are lying bastards. My husband’s cousin married an Iranian man she met in college. His family fled when the Shah was deposed. His father was murdered because he did business for the Shah. He is a sweet gentle man, enterprising and runs a lucrative business. They raised 3 boys who are as American as can be; loving this country as much as I do. Went to a wedding of one of their sons at which I met the family, aunties and uncles and more cousins, all Iranian immigrants who entered legally and are now American citizens. Some have become Christians, others chose to keep their Muslim faith. ALL very lovely, sweet gentle people. All proud of their heritage but all have become citizens and are contributing their talents and to their communities. I was received graciously when I met them at the wedding. I never felt so much love from one group of new family members as I did when I met them. When I hear people lump ALL Muslims into a hated category, I have to cringe. My experience with my new in-laws has been that these people worked hard to become Americans. They are grateful to be in our country and guess what? They happen to be Trump supporters! If any one of these people ran for office I would be happy to vote for them. This is not to say that the Representative this article speaks about isn’t in fact a jerk and doesn’t deserve the criticism. She is and she does. Just be careful when you use superlatives, like “All deserve to be exterminated. Not all, and certainly not my new relatives. Just saying.

5 years ago

In Trump I trust.

5 years ago

Pres Trump just keeps on winning and that means WE THE PEOPLE win too. The dimms can not understand how he operates and they look 100% foolish every time they attempt a new attack. They honestly do not believe how much support he has or why. They are completely out of touch with reality, especially as it relates to the majority of everyday hard working Americans who love this great Republic.
Ridding the thorn, which is Iraq, will be
a welcome achievement. Best of all, Hussein Obozo will lose his mind, will probably require meds to deal with his grief.

5 years ago

Keep up the great work President Trump! The best President ever! Not to mention the first lady she’s the best too! Now that America is great again, let’s keep it that way!

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