Key “Trump Dossier” Reporter Walks It Back

Michael Isikoff, the reporter who first broke the existence of a Trump dossier compiled by Christopher Steele, is now walking back the credibility of the information he was given. The Daily Caller reports:

The investigative reporter who broke the first story based on allegations from Christopher Steele offered a surprising assessment of the former British spy’s infamous dossier, which alleges a vast conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

“Would you agree that a lot of what’s in the Steele dossier has been somewhat vindicated?” Mediaite columnist John Ziegler asked Michael Isikoff, a co-author of the book “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story on Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.”


“No,” Isikoff responded in an interview released Saturday.

“You would not?” asked Ziegler.

The fact that Isikoff is now doubting the authenticity of the Steele dossier tarnishes the fact that his own article and the dossier has been used for the initial FISA warrant application that started this entire Russia investigation. An investigation started on false premises can only be described as a witch hunt.

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Keith Clark
Keith Clark
5 years ago

I’m ashamed that my Government has allowed this witch hunt to go on this long. It’s only outcome is to take tens of millions of tax dollars and feed the investigators Swiss accounts. This is stealing from the Public, pure and simple.

5 years ago
Reply to  Keith Clark

So very true Keith

5 years ago
Reply to  FedUp

We are past due for another hands on Tea Party!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

When can we go nuclear on these Ambulance Chasing Lawyers and start hanging them ?
I want to furnish the rope and kick out the chairs !

5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Not to mention the drag on returning to REPUBLIC government. MSM, and the major parties need to get off opposition to Donald Trump and his administration . Sit down and negotiate freely, and honestly, for better government for the people,, not for the government. It was never intended by our Constitution, that leadership should first enhance their assets, and bank accounts, before considering the people. In fact, many of the colonists who worked on and signed the Constitution and Bill of Rights, were bankrupted, or financially reduced in property.

Shelba J. Holmes
Shelba J. Holmes
5 years ago
Reply to  Keith Clark

It is a national disgrace. You are right that this carnival is outright theft from the American people under the guise of law enforcement. All thinking people should be ashamed of it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Keith Clark

Yep. The whole sham demonstrates just how corrupt our government has become or how many cowards have been elected.

5 years ago

The very first look at Mueller’s face screamed “FRAUD” out loud to me. Then reading of his past history at the FBI under Clinton as SOS and his previous actions as a “rogue prosecutor” that will do anything to convict innocent men told me all I needed to know about what he has been doing the past 2 years.

Shelba J. Holmes
Shelba J. Holmes
5 years ago
Reply to  Maxx

Terrifying isn’t it that such corruption is going on in our government and those perpetrating this on the American public have no shame – not one whit of shame. Sending innocent people to prison does not give them pause for one minute. They are monsters.

SD of AZ
SD of AZ
5 years ago

It’s the swamp and their survival that they are trying to save. And evidently there are enough idiots and enough fraud to get the house full of the dem wits who want the status quo. We have to vote intelligently and stop the fraud or this will just get worse. Disgusting though is it not?

Helga Miller
Helga Miller
5 years ago
Reply to  Maxx

Seeing Mueller’s face screams Gestapo to me because he acts just like them and he is of German Ancestry! They found even the most innocent people guilty and a lot of them were hauled off to the camps and never seen again. Mueller and his compadres demonstrate to me everything evil in America today!

5 years ago

Deep State traitors are everywhere!The evil liberal demoncrat Commie Nazi party at work here!FOX NEWS!GOP House of RINOs!Don’t forget the RINOs(Gowdy,Ryan, Rubio,Romney,Sessions,Flakes, Roberts, etc) to name a few!Drain the rat infested Swamp, Pres Trump!

Shelba Herring
Shelba Herring
5 years ago

By his admission that the dossier now is doubtful of being true surely the DOJ will shut it down before it cost the taxpayers another twenty five million for most of it to go in muellers pocket, he is taking taxpayers money to fund his own defense when the DOJ investigates him for his part in uranium one scandal, he will need it

Herbert G. Chapman
Herbert G. Chapman
5 years ago

No! The Steele dossier will not be vindicated until the media has publicly apologized to our President on the evening world news not on the midnight news ! When they do that I just might get some respect back for them !

Tony Winters
Tony Winters
5 years ago

And the media doesn’t understand why the President an most of the American People think that they are dealing in Fake News. If you can’t fine the facts to meet your story you just fabricate them and make the story fit your new found facts. In this way you never have to leave the comfort of your office and actually investigate a story, you beat your competition to the latest big story, of course that just makes them even more eager to beat your story so they make up some facts of their own and then build an even bigger story; and it goes on and on. These people are not interested in presenting people with information so that they can make up their own minds about what is going on in the world they are telling us what we should and should not believe, to the best of my knowledge there is nothing in the definition of Journalist or Journalism that includes the term Fictional writing.

5 years ago

2 YRS !!! Enough !!!
‘special counsel’ plays a role
overriding The Presidential Office.

Daniel Mount
Daniel Mount
5 years ago

This Trump dossier is just one very big lie. They know it but they will just keep up the scam pressure against President Trump. There is just one thing that Meuller does not understand. President Trump will never flinch at their lies.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
5 years ago

The democrat party senses an approaching revolution. They’ve convinced their unaware followers that if it starts, the military forces will overwhelmingly support democrat ideology and quickly squash their opponents. Never happen. Even if it were not unconstitutional military men and women would never fire on U.S. citizens. If Trump wins this tug-o-war, most will applaud the colossal reduction of illegal aliens, nuts, felons and terrorists now flooding into the U.S. They’ll applaud more in the following years as the crime rates plummet.

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