Benghazi Hero Blasts Obama Hack

US Department of Defense

Kris Paronto, hero of Benghazi, has blasted John Brennan for putting politics before country. Fox News reports:

John Brennan rallied numerous high-powered defenders to his corner over his security clearance clash with President Trump, but some well-known special ops heroes are firing back suggesting the former CIA director got what he deserves.

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a former Army Ranger and private security contractor who was part of the CIA team that fought back during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, accused Brennan of putting his “politics” before those in the field.

“He is lucky the security clearance is all he is getting away with,” Paronto told Fox News in an interview on Friday.

Responding a day earlier to Brennan’s tweet that his “principles are worth far more than clearances,” Paronto also tweeted:


Benghazi remains a dark stain on Brennan, Hillary and Obama’s time in government.

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5 years ago

While this statement may not be directly related to this particular commentary it is important for all Trump supporters to consider.
If most reasonable thinking people would think about their observations of the Left, Liberals and Democrats over the last two years they would see a group of people among them that are totally unhinged, irrational, hypocritical, liars, cheats, and their credibility is zero. We have been subjected to violent behavior, attacks on the Constitution, Religion, and the laws of the land. When people protect individuals who come here illegally and commit heinous crimes against other non citizens and citizens you have to know there is something wrong with the way they think. How can any American Citizen be against employing American Citizens, enforcing the laws of the land, and giving priority to American Citizens rather than Illegal’s, who we spend 135 billion dollars a year to support, as well as the tax break that has enabled business to flourish?
Everyone needs to think seriously about the direction you want this Country to take prior to voting in the 2018 elections. In 2016 despite all the projections we elected a President who has not only kept many of his promises against a stream of constant harassment but has actually turned things around in this Country for the better.
It is essential that we give President Trump a significant majority in the House and the Senate with people who will support him not continually try to undermine him. If you are pleased with the direction of the Country and tired of the continual assaults on our traditional values by the Left, Liberals and Democrats then it is essential that We The People get out and cast our votes for folks who will advance the Trump agenda. We will have only ourselves to blame if we fail to do this by thinking others will carry the day for us. Vote Republican for a better Country and allow the President to do the job he wants to do for us, the American People.
If you agree with my position here feel free to pass this on..

Billy Buchanan
Billy Buchanan
5 years ago
Reply to  dprato

I agree completely with your advice for Americans to get out and vote for a Congress that supports making America great again. President Trump is fighting the ulter left media and Democrats that want to see the down fall of a the last great and humanitarian country in the world.
If you live in Michigan get rid of Stabenow she jumps at every chance to hurt this country. Vote for John James who will work with President Trump to make America great again.

Concern American
Concern American
5 years ago
Reply to  dprato

Agreed completely. The primary problem is Democrats and Trump haters always sobotage his economic agenda and campaign promises. They poison the well. They don’t care about the country. They don’t care who gets hurt. ?? They are vengeful, hateful, extremely toxic and fanatic. Very disturbing trend. That’s why decline of America comes fr domestic threats, not external threats. Self- destructive behaviour.

5 years ago


5 years ago

I will never forget, nor forgive, my G’son is a SEAL and two of his brothers were murdered needlessly. All because The Butcher of Benghazi wanted to “normalize” Benghazi and the CIA wanted to move arms through Benghazi to Syria.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hankmacaw

I Agree with part of your comment, but highly disagree with the last part. In 1972-1974, I was assigned to DCA-PAC as 1 of 5, Satellite Terminal Managers. We worked on rotating shifts (5 teams) 2 shifts, 2 different shifts,2 differ with 5 days off, between last working shift, when we started rotating again. During most of my shifts, COMPASS LINK was established. Wide banded 2 satellites , one in Pacific, and on over mainland, with 4 earth terminals. Vietnam, 2 Navy terminals co-located, and other end in Maryland. Cables connected terminal in Vietnam, and civilian cable connected White House and Pentagon command centers, on other end. They had full power, width, bandwidth, to send and receive fax, data, photos, and voice, between ground, senior commanders in Vietnam, and President Johnson, McNamma, with Gen. Westmoreland, when he was in Washington. And such others designated at Pentagon, by President. Jack Anderson , Washington Post did EXPOSE I in WP in 1973- 74, which put damper on security and MSM attention.
—— Now in Benghazi, we had moved communications to new high definition, digital, and we have all seen the photos taken by police, and others over USA since. Panetta, Hillary, Gates, Obama, Gen. Dempsey were all together in Washington at 4 PM that day, and President Obama went up to bed . He had fund raiser in Las Vegas next day, and left early. He did not give the order, that was needed. And I believe whole heartedly, they could see the expression on those SEALs, and also see the Ambassador when he went out the window of the Consulate building. They watched those people die, with one SEAL focusing missile guidance info, onto the Mortar crew that killed them. He expected hellfire missile from those two drones over Benghazi that night, within 45 minutes of being alerted. And I do not believe the CIA chief had launched those two drones, unarmed, when they never know what mission they will encounter, while loitering over certain areas or zones. I will go to my grave, believing they were sacrificed. AND I ALSO BELIEVE CIA WAS THERE to find which of the Muslim Training Groups in Lybia, was shipping those arms they captured to IRAQ , through Turkey. Turkey refused 4th Army movement when our forces attacked, meaning longer to get troops in that area, letting trucks roll out of IRAQ across the borders. And we will never know what they transported out of country, will we? Other SEALs went to save the personnel in Consulate building, against the orders of the CIA Chief, who gave stand down orders to them. Think about it. I did my 26 years, but was not satisfied with our actions in middle east.

5 years ago
Reply to  Frank2525

I wonder if Brennan would have given the order to stand down if it was his son in Benghazi? I wonder how many CIA posts would be in unauthorized areas if Hillary’s plan was adopted? How many brave agents would be thrown to the wolves? How people treat others when they have nothing to lose or gain speaks volumes. These cowards should be in prison, not respected leaders of any party.

5 years ago
Reply to  Frank2525

Excellent commentary… Thanks Frank !!!!!!!

5 years ago

Benghazi remains a dark stain on Brennan, Hillary and Obama’s time in government.
They were more interested in themselves then what happened to AMERICANS LIVES.
Rescue forces were all ready to respond when they were to stand down. None of those in ObamASS administration ever said why the rescuers were told not to respond to the CALLS FOR HELP.

5 years ago
Reply to  Earl

You said it Earl!! WWG1WGA

Mathew Mok
Mathew Mok
5 years ago
Reply to  Earl

None of the higher ups then had ever been in a good bar fight let alone in combat getting their asses shot off. – It’s what you better learn expect when a bunch of pencil necks are calling the shots.

5 years ago

Thank you Tanto!! We appreciate you more then we can ever say!! Y’all make us so proud! Our military and independent contractors are true patriots and heroes!! God Bless Y’all!!

5 years ago

Brennan’s security company whitewashed Obongo’s birth certificate, Brennan to CIA head as reward. Truly a liar, crook, unethical Deep State operative, cannot be trusted for anything.

Concern American
Concern American
5 years ago
Reply to  Ed

FYI, a video by whistleblower from CIA on the showdow government and deep state abuses of power:

5 years ago

Each on one of us needs to think seriously about the direction we want OUR Country-US A to take and vote accordingly. In 2016 we elected a wonderful President who had many projections on how to make America Great AGAIN, and President Trump has done just that in lure of all the negative media/fake news, and stream of constant harassment by democrats and anti this or that organizations, He has managed to turn many areas in AMERICA around and our country is now on the road heading in the right direction, and as you know the democrats are still trying to take him down at every turn and corner he makes., they are a corrupt evil group that who wants to turn America into a socialist/communist nation. which is the LAST THING AMERICA WANTS, and Our President works for the American People, and the country he loves so much.
The Liberals, Democrats, Left, and anti-American groups over the last two years have all come totally unhinged, irrational, hypocritical, liars, cheats, and their credibility is zero.; as they still don’t believe we have a Wonderful President who is a Man of his word in making America great again. He and our nation have been attacked with their erratic violent behavior, their attacks on OUR USA Constitution, OUR Religion, and the laws of the land.
These democrat leaders want to protect those individuals who come here illegally many who commit heinous crimes against other non-citizens and our citizens you should realize these people are not in their right mind. How can these so called American Citizens (thou many are anti-American) be against employing our own American Citizens, and how an they be against us enforcing the laws of the land, and wanting to give priority to the American Citizens rather than Illegal’s, who we support with billion dollars a year on food stamps, housing, education, medical, gas cards, vehicles, utilities ets and on top of that they receive a free tax break for several years and send their wages back home to bring more illegals to our country. COME HERE LEGEALLY and YOU WILL BE WELCOMED, learn and obey the laws of our land, or be deported back home. Your country would never put up with us coming into your country illegal, so respect us and obey our law come here legally.

5 years ago
Reply to  Merridee

Merridee… The great surprise will start in November 2018 and continue to Nov. 2020 !! I agree with you 100%. Blessings .

Carl J Bujan Jr
Carl J Bujan Jr
5 years ago

Brennan is a known communist he should have never been given a security clearence in the first place thanks to Obama who gave it to him.

Mathew Mok
Mathew Mok
5 years ago

It’s more of the NWO Marxist (democrat) partie’s “diversity” . Everything that is perverted, or subversive has to be given more power then the Christian American Patriot. I’s their way 100%

5 years ago

My comment was censored.

Mathew Mok
Mathew Mok
5 years ago
Reply to  Frene

That is BULLSHIT. Why did we fight bleed and even get killed for the first amendment and the rest of the constitution if some pencil neck is going censor you no matter what you had to say be it left or right.

A censor of any type is truly a domestic enemy that we need swore to defend our constitution against.

Concern American
Concern American
5 years ago
Reply to  Frene

Another disturbing trend. Somehow radical islamic propaganda does not get censored but yours did. That’s why young innocent girls and men join ISIS. Their radical ideology slips thru’ easily but yours get pick up without fail. Definitely their censorship algorithms failed miserably! ???

gerald m serlin
gerald m serlin
5 years ago

Benghazi was Clinton’s most serious error as Secy of State. It cost her the election, thank goodness. I bet she never thought that karma would catch up to her in that way and so quickly and justly. It is so sad to think that our personnel could be sacrificed in such a bizarre way and for no reason, at all.

Mathew Mok
Mathew Mok
5 years ago

Yo Kris,,,,I got a buddy that’s a roofer and has a jim dandy hot tar kettle and I got a flat bet truck with high sides that would be great for hauling feathers. If you know a chicken farmer or somebody else that has a bunch of feathers give me a shout. We could pay a “visit” to Mr. Bre-non and show him what we think of him.

M. S. “Steve” Molk. – Vietnam Class of ’68.

Martin Korab
Martin Korab
5 years ago

All American voters should know by now that a vote for a Democrat is a vote for Communism. It’s about time we cleaned out our government from these infested commies and we better do the same to all our schools of higher learning and get rid of all those commie professors who do nothing but trample our Constitution and who deny our children the truth about American history. Let us all get behind President Trump and his Administration 1000% and make sure he can do his job without all that commie obstruction. GO TRUMP ! GO PENCE ! Sincerely, Martin Korab

Shirley Ann
Shirley Ann
5 years ago

Mr. John “The Creeper” Brennan is mourning for all the
Lost Opportunities from his Nixed Security Clearance, (Lucrative, of course).
The Creeper should be thankful that he has escaped from the wrath of the Brave Men, who watched as their Brothers in Arms were sacrificed, so that Obama, Crooked Hillary & The Creeper himself, could continue with Operations as Normal.
Those three should be held accountable, but the Deep State is protecting Their Own.

Joseph Ferrari
Joseph Ferrari
5 years ago

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Brennan all should be brought before a council of untouchable Judges and held accountable for sacrificing the lives of American Citizens at the US Embassy in Benghazi while there was the availability of sending in American Forces to defend, rescue and remove them. Why were they ordered to stand down? was it because Muslim Islamic rebels would be killed if our troops moved in and that would have caused serious embarrasment for Obama?

Carl E Hudson
Carl E Hudson
5 years ago

Seeing how he has been removed from the job that required the Top Secret clearance he no longer has a “need to know”. Working in a civilian position with the News Media definitely does not require Brennen to have a top secret clearance. So, it goes Bye-Bye “no clearance for you”
I completed a 23 year tour in the USAF and on my PCS &TDY orders it stated AMN will have a Secret clearance for this tour of duty. And when I retired in 1979 my clearance was stopped. I am just relating that a Top Secret or any type of clearance goes away once you are removed from that duty.

Bill Cash
Bill Cash
5 years ago

I doubt we will ever know the true answer about Bengahzi. But I will bet the farm that if it is ever made public it will show that the attack was a planned affair to get rid of the ambassador there because he knew too much. His request for security, turned down by Clinton and Obama left the compound wide open to the terrorist and then both Obama and Clinton made themselves scarce when it went down. It is not the first time that Hillary Clinton has been up to her ears in a murder.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bill Cash

It is my belief that you are so correct ! Those that died were set up by The Lying Kenyan and Clinton … I also believe that the details of the Bengazi Compound were given to the attackers !
I want to see Obama and Clinton both swing from a hangman’s rope ! Never Forget those that Died at Bengazi !

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