White House Calls Out Congressional Inaction On Immigration Loopholes

Statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

“Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling preventing the removal of certain aliens convicted of aggravated felonies that constitute “crimes of violence” highlights the danger posed by congressional inaction.  This case, first argued and briefed under the Obama Administration, gives Congress a clear opportunity to finally close dangerous loopholes: Congress should immediately pass a fix to close these loopholes so that the United States can promptly remove violent criminal aliens from our country.  Unless Congress acts, the United States Government will be unable to remove from our communities many non-citizens convicted of violent felonies, including in some cases domestic assault and battery, burglary, and child abuse.  It is a matter of vital public safety for Congress to act now.”


Shared from Whitehouse.gov

RELATED: What You Need To Know About Loopholes Allowing Unaccompanied Alien Children To Stay

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6 years ago

What? A Democrat/Socialist saying something sensible?

6 years ago
Reply to  Oscar

Who are you referring to as a Democrat/Socialist saying something sensible? If you mean Mrs. Huckabee/Sanders, then perhaps you should rethink your comment because she is not a Democrat. She is the Press Secretary for President Trump and is the daughter of Mike Huckabee, a Republican ex-governor of Arkansas.

6 years ago
Reply to  Bone101

I did not know she was Mike Huckabee’s daughter. Thank you for sharing that information.

6 years ago

“Unless Congress acts, the United States Government will be unable to remove from our communities many non-citizens convicted of violent felonies.” This includes removing MS13 from CA, because MOONBEAM allows illegals to POUR over our southern border without a vote from the citizens who live here. We have no say. He is a dictator making dangerous decisions for those of us who live in CA. And make no mistake, this affects ALL citizens of the U.S., not just the State of CA. Those same illegals, and MS13 murderous gang members, are FREE TO MOVE AROUND ANYWHERE in the Nation, murder, and even go back to ANY sanctuary city or state for protection. Ask Kate Steinle — oh wait, you can’t; she was murdered by an illegal alien under the protection of Moonbeam’s sanctuary state! And Moonbeam has instructed his 400 Nat’l Guard troops, he finally decided to send to the border, will NOT help stop illegals: Detain them, deport them, nor arrest them, nothing. This is DANGEROUS. MOONBEAM is DANGEROUS to our Nation! He must be stopped! He NEEDS to be impeached!

6 years ago
Reply to  PJ Ki

During both Bush administration the illegal numbers were up past 70 million in the USA!!! After Obama was elected tie number dropped to 10 million by the news medias!!!!! Tat means one of two things!! The government gave 60 million illegals green cards to say there were less or the numbers were nothing more that political crap numbers by the news medias!! Proves the news medias are as corrupt as the dNC and the worldly billionaires owning th4em!!!

Julia Puleo
Julia Puleo
6 years ago
Reply to  dennis

It’s probably some of both, and I live in Ca.!

6 years ago
Reply to  PJ Ki

Mr. or Ms. or Mrs. PJKi, why don’t you ask that Illegal Alien, who changed his name Illegally from Mr. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez alias to Mr. Inez _____ Garcia Zarate, because HE IS THE KILLER OF Mrs. Kate (Katherine) Steinle!

Lorraine Kemer
Lorraine Kemer
5 years ago
Reply to  PJ Ki

Vote John Cox for governor. He will uphold President Trump’s agenda. Travis Allen is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, known as a RINO and has agreed with pelosi and schumer on almost every issue.

Angelina Diel
Angelina Diel
6 years ago

Congress: Please take heed to the WH appeal for the safety of the American people, and to live in peace and security in their own country! You are working for the good of America! Please show that you are doing what you are all elected for?

Beverly McCarthy
Beverly McCarthy
6 years ago

Remove me from your website

Carol Olson
Carol Olson
6 years ago

And Congress moves like a snail. Get with it boys ‘n girls!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Carol Olson

These people in congress are nothing but a joke they are worthless and most could care less what really happens

Julia Puleo
Julia Puleo
6 years ago
Reply to  jim

They “couldn’t” care less!

6 years ago

CONGRESS: Let’s get with it to close the loopholes in immigration reform. We’re tired of always looking over our shoulders to defend ourselves from the next attack from criminal immigrants that California glibly releases onto the streets. The sanctuary politicians like Brownie have turned their state into a third world slum, and their irresponsible, seditious acts are spreading to beyond California.
It’s time for the other states, all of them, to learn from what they see in California, a growing, crime-ridden slum.
Because of California’s criminal negligence of gang release into our public, M-13 has now spread all across the country to the east coast, including to Maryland and Virginia, where they have already murdered. It is no longer limited to the border states. California’s criminal negligence has spread to the rest of the nation.
California’s criminal politicians must be held accountable their malfeasance. They are not serving their public, they are leading it to slaughter.
Congress: it’s time for you to take action to start earning the respect of the people you serve. You are earning precious little.

6 years ago

Loopholes, Due process, and such needed to be removed as such as politic correction, human rights which are absurd.

6 years ago

If you shoot an arrow into the air, and it strikes a person who cannot be there…

Is it the fault of the arrow or the Bow?

Since an illegal alien has no ‘right’ to occupy any space inside the Borders of the United States of America, it would be the ILLEGAL ALIENS FAULT for being where he HAD NOT RIGHT TO BE!

6 years ago

This is same as when I Saudi Arabia and Kuwait – there if you get in car accident or any crime you are automatically found guilty and put in jail without ant court trial or any defence – “THE RULE SAID THIS IS YOUR FAULT TO BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU WERE NOT HERE THIS WOULD HOT HAVE HAPPENED”.
This should be same here.

6 years ago

How to Write a Law on Immigration:

“IF any person crosses any US Border without the PRIOR CONSENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the Government, said person has no right or access to ANY services available to Americans.

This includes any food, water, medical or any other means of remaining alive.

Any attempt to avoid capture will be further grounds to terminate with prejudice.”

6 years ago

If illegals deside to fight back then its shoot to kill this is way out of hand and I think most Americans are really tired of this crap

Georgia Bogard
Georgia Bogard
6 years ago

I like that law on immigration.

Gary James
Gary James
6 years ago
Reply to  Georgia Bogard

the law is not being enforced

Lorraine Kemer
Lorraine Kemer
6 years ago

Should say “without the prior consent and acknowledgement of the FEDERAL government. Other than that one correction, your statement is well put.

6 years ago

I stand with President Trump. Congress, close the loopholes that allow illegal aliens to commit crimes, be arrested by police and released by Judges. Catch and release must end. Illegals committing crimes must be deported forthwith.

sandra young
sandra young
6 years ago


Susan Preiss
Susan Preiss
6 years ago

This case was actually about someone who had been living in the U.S. legally. He committed a crime and was deemed deportable. However, the law that was at issue was determined by the Court – including Justice Gorsuch – to be too vague in its definition of what constitutes a deportable offense – that someone might use force. That word, “might” appears to be the problem. You might eat bugs – then again, you might not. You might commit a crime – or, you might not.

Ruth DuHaime
Ruth DuHaime
6 years ago

It’s getting to the point where our legal US citizens count for less than the illegals who are out to destroy our country and everything it stands for. There is nothing but inaction on the part of those in Congress. They act as though they are scared to death to take action on anything for the good of our country and it’s people. They are totally afraid of every minority group out there. Call it for what it is. Fear of doing what is right. No courage!! Just what is it we are paying them for? It sure isn’t their elected Job!!

Lloyd Dubose
Lloyd Dubose
6 years ago

Please tell me why as a American citizen that I myself have to be 2nd to a eleagul imagrent? I am tired of these politicians thinking they know what is best in our interest. We as Americans are tired of the way Democrats and Republicans always thinking people who are not from this country can kill rape and rob Americans and there is no criminal charges for them not even deportation. Think about it this is a election year and all in Congress should be worried about that because there are someone ready to take your seat.

David Glenn
David Glenn
6 years ago

Come on folks, it’s a mid term election year. Congress is either out campaigning or afraid to vote on anything. Might make somebody mad and WE have already proven that their inactivity is not a reason for us to not re-elect them.

John Dobie
John Dobie
6 years ago

Congress must act and act soon to close the immigration loopholes and protect the American people.

6 years ago

Demented Democrats have obstructed just about any and all legislation, along with President Trump’s nominees. McConnell needs to eliminate the super-majority which is now the new normal business in the Senate but was not the process followed for the vast majority of the Senate’s history. Go back to a simple majority and pass the fixes for the immigration laws, eliminate chain migration, VISA lottery, and numerous other weaknesses, demented leftism, and vagueness.

Leeroy Smith
Leeroy Smith
6 years ago

McConnell is about as interested in the senate doing anything but what the democrats want. He is the reason that the republicans are going to get their “ASS WHIPPED” in November.
Former republican

Viola Wallace
Viola Wallace
6 years ago

Please secure our borders. Illegals should not be able to go back & forth. Protect the American people. Try crossing into another foreign country without visa or permission. You will be jailed. Shame on Supreme Judge Goraush.

6 years ago

The American Citizens have Spoken…And IT is Now Time ( Past due time 0 For This ”sic Congress to Get Off their Butts And Do ehat Is needed To Stop Illegal Immigration into OUR country/ What Is Wrong With you ? Are you All Illegals. as well ? No excuse will suffice For as Further Coddling Of these Bad News People who have Infiltrated Into Our Country.,Too many ARE Here Breaking the Law..AND Creating Havoc on our People And Property/ TIME For Action..Folks ! And If it Can`t be done peaceably ..Then A better Way has to Be found..and NOW.

6 years ago

Individual Congressional members should use nature logic and remember that charity begins at home. The serious poverty and homelessness in our country must be our only concern. All foreigners who enter our country without our invitation or federal approval must be deported along with their entire family regardless of their country of birth.

It is a sign of immature intelligence for any member of Congress to think like a 6 year old who is incapable of being responsible for the care of his own family.

Nembers of Congress must grow up and be responsible, “The safety of the (American) people shall be the highest law.” (Cicero)

6 years ago

A legal immigrant carries a green card (Alien Registration Card.) and is a permanent resident, but not a citizen, and can be deported. A legal Immigrant who is Naturalized is a Citizen with the same rights as any other citizen. I have friends who lived here on a green card, if they committed ANY crime, they would be sent back to their Native country. There are degrees of felonies. When you come home to a house that has been burglarized, your property damaged or gone, you feel violated. You also feel lucky that you weren’t home. Up to now, the hue and cry was comparing illegals to burglars based on their entry into the country. Now actually breaking into a home is trivial. Democrats wouldn’t even pass a bill to give DACA amnesty to allow them to stay in Now they champion a felon. Where is the logic. If you break a window to gain entry with the intention of burglarizing the home is one degree of felony. If you break a window just to be mean, that’s malicious mischief, that’s another degree of felony, but still a felony. Why is this so complicated for 9 Judges?

Patricia Berry
Patricia Berry
6 years ago

Please take the time to review the strict laws of other countries about immigration – starting with Mexico… They are serious and enforce all of the requirements.
We elected you to represent us. We did not elect you to get rich and carry on a coup against our chosen president. Yet, you fight him and continually try to get rid of him. He promised the wall – which was agreed to over a decade ago – yet you decided not to follow your own laws. The money is there – – oh but wait – you chose to use it for your own sideshows (further placing us in enormous debt).
Once a person steps onto American soil – without permission to do so – they are ILLEGAL and should be sent home immediately. The amount of money saved by doing so (cutting out all the illegal state and federal government benefits to them) would pay for the wall. Instead, you enjoy breaking the law – and continually putting legal citizens in harms way.
Get off your duff and fix the loopholes – or walk away and give up your continual pay increases and (too many benefits that you have never earned).

6 years ago

Congress for the most part is pathetic. Only a few are real statesmen and women. They care only about keeping their high paying, cushy jobs and nothing about the American public. If the illegals raped, murdered or harmed one of their family, things would be different.

6 years ago

Congress, you work for the American people who voted you into office. Do your job and uphold immigration laws. If they are here illegally, they are breaking the law. They should be deported!! Children who fall under DACA should have applied for citizenship by now. They should not be able to get driving licenses, vote, or receive any welfare type benefits. Do your jobs and put real citizens first.

6 years ago

This congress is unfit to hold this office. It is supposed to rule for the American people, not illegals !!! Illegals have no rights in our country, why don’t they make these demands in their own countries where they do have the right. Because their own countries do not put up with their crap. Go home and fight for your own country like we fought for ours. I am waiting for these criminals that Congress fights so hard for to kill one of their families, they have probably already gotten some of them on drugs, maybe some of them will die of a drug overdose, or maybe one of their daughters will be raped or murdered like so many of the poor and white collar workers. When is their loyalty going to be with America?

Leeroy Smith
Leeroy Smith
6 years ago
Reply to  haz

Their loyalty is to who has the most money. They will never change. They will continue to do what they please as long as “We The People” sit on our butts and not vote them out of office.

Had E. Nuff
Had E. Nuff
6 years ago

Sadly, she’s talking to a wall; doesn’t she and the woeful, suicidal useful idiots that support the Deep State i. e. the Godless, Satan worshiping, power-mad NWO-elitist ghouls that are comprised of the Communist Party USA, formerly the Democ-rats, and the “Re-PUNK-lican” lerader(less)ship i. e. the RHINOS are using illegal aliens as their voting bloc to help them “TRANFORM AMERIKA” as our former “Dick-taker-N-Thief” and Muslim-Marxist jihadist, the pied piper of his sheeple, Obaa-baa-maa had forewarned the dumb(m)asses while he was campaigning back in 2008! R.I.P. USA, your getting what you deserve! REVOLUTION will be the ultimate SOLUTION and that is why the ghouls are having their NWO-FBI perform all of these false flag mass shootings in order to terrify the sheeple into disarming themselves – IT’S WORKING! They have everything scripted: their fake news dishing out just that and Hogg hogging up the air waves, planned to the tee – WTFU! Oh, by the way, they want WW III so they performed another false flag over their in Syria too! EVIL against GOOD in these End of Age Days and because a majority of reprobates have “Left” God they will rue the day for being the suicidal idiots that they truly are!

6 years ago

CONGRESS: it is time to close any and all the loopholes with the immigration reform. We are very tired of not knowing what to expect when we are out and about and having to always looking over our shoulders and having to defend ourselves from any attack from criminal immigrants that are in all states and sanction cities.The sanctuary politicians in CA like Brownie have turned their state into a third world slum, corruption thieves, murders, etc and their leaders are as irresponsible as these illegal aliens, and their crimes are= spreading to each and every state that has the illegal aliens, DACA They should be DEPORTED PERIOD they broke the LAW, do you job or be fired PERIOD. Pardon them and they do it again and again, they are walking all over the government leaders/officials because they know they can. It take any brains, if someone else does a crime they do the timed, well these illegal aliens should get same results, only it should be at the tax payers expense, send the back home………..we’d never get away with the crimes in their country. WAKE UP unless you want a socialist/communists country, which most American’s do no want. Do you job or you pay the time for not obeying the law.

6 years ago

Any Congressperson who does not approve of removing criminal aliens is proven to hate Americans. It is all just that simple.

John Furlong
John Furlong
6 years ago

It’s all such bulls**t, being here illegally is ALL that is necessary to get your ass deported and that should be an ongoing process, day in and day out until they are ALL gone, any other crimes committed should get them a ride to our facility in Cuba, then the Mexican government gets notified so they can make arrangements to extradite their citizen

Old Timer
Old Timer
6 years ago

Every country in the world has strict immigration laws. If you’re in the country illegally, you’re deported if lucky and in jail for years if unlucky. Why are we the only country in the world that says illegal aliens (not undocumented immigrants!) have the same rights as an American citizen? CONGRESS: Fix this immediately!

David Sunkle
David Sunkle
6 years ago


William Harden
William Harden
6 years ago

We must look at why the Democrats like immigrants.
It is a cheap way to get votes. Obama went out of his way to hamper the efforts of the border control to court the votes of 40,000,000 Hispanics.
This is the issue that Trump saw was offensive to the American people and he grabbed it like a football and carried it into the White House.
This is the general style of Democrats, to use entitlements and food stamps to buy votes from poor people.
Yeah, they use OUR tax revenues to buy votes for their party.

6 years ago

What part of ILLEGAL is not understood. Go to ANY country illegally is see what treatment you receive. NO MAS!

Illigals have NO RIGHTS any where.

Ken j Bower
Ken j Bower
6 years ago

Can’t figure out Why the Democrats continue to support people like the Illegals who might one day rise against them and try to take over America; turning it into another third world style Socialist Government that may one day be Fought over by the Muslims and these Spanish catholics in an an all out war!
Can we imagine everything East of the Mississippi River becoming Muslim, and Everything west. Becoming Spanish????

6 years ago

6 months of serious electoral campaign can create conditions for changing legislation that protects illegal immigrants and hurts citizens. Let’s do it !

James Burnette
James Burnette
6 years ago

I’m confused, to start with, millions of people are here illegally and therefore, are breaking the immigration laws of this country. Why should we only try to catch and deport those that break our criminal laws? If we had enforced our immigration laws to begin with, we would not have all those criminals here. I guess we will have to change our laws so that each person here illegally gets “double jeopardy”. They get a “pass” on the first illegal charge and are only deported if they break the law a second time. If thats true, shouldn’t the citizens of this country get “double jeopardy” when we commit a crime.

6 years ago

Gee, an inactive Congress, a bunch of “your job for life, no matter how bad you are” judges, and an apathetic public.
The illegal aliens have nothing to fear.

6 years ago

Gee-Wiz, Say All of you Representatives and Senators of both houses of US Congress, “We The Legal People, For The Legal People And By The Legal People Of The United States Of America, Call upon you to do the correct thing by following the US Constitution To The Letter, Not using your feelings towards those “Illegal Immigrant-Aliens”, because they DID NOT GO THROUGH THE US IMMIGRATION PROCESS IN ENTERING OR CROSSING THE USA’S BORDER LEGALLY, and Mexifornia-Calefornia is the worst of the 5o States! Please Remember Mrs. Kate (Katherine)) Steinle and especially her father, who was that certain evening was walking and talking together in San Francisco at night, when that “Illegal Immigrant-Alien” Mr. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez alias Mr. Inez ____ Garcia Zarate MURDERED her, right in front of him, then she crumpled down into his arms, while he was shedding tears of anguish-confusion-misery-heart-breaking. Isn’t there any JUSTICE for “We The Legal People Of The United States Of America!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!???????????????

5 years ago

The democrats sink lower and lower with that Time magazine cover photo of the “separated” little girl who was not separated at all. Time magazine is a real RAG of a magazine. They live up to one of their descriptive labels: “Time is the magazine for people who can’t read.” Also, their editors are both incompetent and dishonest to let this one slip by and even to promote it.
But, that’s par for the course for the democrats.
And again we hear more demo dishonesty from Hag hillary, the democrat windbag that just won’t go away. Lying Hag hillary doesn’t have enough sense to realize that she would do herself a favor if she would just fade away with a modicum of respectability instead of hanging around trying to get public attention only to end up simply making a lying fool of herself.
Everyone is simply tired of LYING HAG HILLARY!!!

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