New Economic Numbers Show Strength of Trump Economy

The US economy’s first quarter reached a staggering 3.2 percent growth, continuing President Trump’s record. Fox News reports:

In response to the news that the U.S. economy rose 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2019, White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said that this “prosperity cycle” will continue if President Trump‘s policies stay in place.

Calling the advance in gross domestic product a “blow-out number,” Kudlow told “America’s Newsroom” Friday that it serves as concrete proof Trump’s measures to grow the economy have been successful.

“I’ll just say, Trump’s policies to rebuild the economy, lower taxes, regulations, opening energy, trade reform. Look, this stuff is working,” he said.

“It tells me, among other things, that the prosperity cycle we have entered into is continuing, it is strong. It has legs and momentum and frankly it is going to go on for quite some time,” he continued. “This is the new Trump economy. Some people don’t like that or they don’t agree with that. I respect the differences but I’ll tell you it’s working.”


The economy’s growth is solid because the American people know that the government will not interfere with their creative energy and will support them with a lower tax burden.

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5 years ago

President Trump got the economic engine going again in America, which is the opposite of what the traitor Obama’s objective was!!!

5 years ago

The GDP is only an indicator of economics when the Dept. of Labor, bls says the economy only grew at the same rate it has for the past 8 years at 2.5%, so nothing to crow about, when expenses rose 2.6% at the same time. Yes the economy is growing but no faster than it has for the past 8 years and at the same rate. Wages have been stagnant for 7 of those years.

5 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Obamas economic growth figures were poor. Feel free to go back and look he had a RECORD setting amount of quarters under 2% growth. He didn’t lower taxes. I recall 800 Billion for recovery..remember shovel ready projects? His words not mine. Ok, so what did we get for 800 billion?

Kenneth Barr
Kenneth Barr
5 years ago

Robert you are embarrassment to the human race!!

Beverly Tomasik
Beverly Tomasik
5 years ago

Robert is a die-hard democrat and he will do anything to not admit that a Republican such as President Trump has been such a success!!! The Democrats just can’t get over their loss!!!

Martin Korab
Martin Korab
5 years ago

The Republican Party, under the leadership of president Trump and his Administration are fulfilling all their campaign promises and this is inspite of all the Democratic Party obstruction. The Democratic party has evolved into today’s Democratic Communist Party and they will say or do anything to obstruct President Trump and his Administration in anyway they can. That’s what the Commies do, they lie. Remember this, a vote for a Democrat is a vote for Communism, it’s just as simple as that. GO TRUMP ! GO PENCE ! KAG ! Sincerely, Martin Korab

Tony Winters
Tony Winters
5 years ago

We all know that none of this matters to the Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/Socialists because they know all of this was started during the obama Socialist Regime. They are convinced that obama handed over an economy that was ready to take off and that if it had not been for obama’s great leadership none of these things would have happened.
I think that it is nothing short of amazing that President Trump was able to undo, in two years what it took obama and his Socialist Minions 8 years, 8 very long years to destroy. Just think what could have been accomplished if the Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/Socialists were actually working with the President instead of spending all of their time Obstructing his every move.

5 years ago

I Expected Nothing Less. There ya go, Mr. President. &&&
NOW, Let us ‘proceed’ to Border Issues.
Thnx, ‘ big guy’ . haha. ps. i heard you today at NRA. &
‘0n a Roll’.

5 years ago

Of course Robert gets all the information from CNN……..that is why he sprays only fake news.

5 years ago

Trumps da man!!!!!!!

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