Job Numbers Reach New Record Under Trump


Under the Trump administration, the unemployment rate has reached a record low, with over 250,000 thousand jobs added in the month of April alone. Fox News reports:

President Trump might as well stick his tweet Friday morning on a campaign bumper sticker: “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!”

The social media declaration came as the Labor Department reported robust new economic numbers, saying employers added 263,000 jobs in April as the unemployment rate dropped to a 49-year low.

The stats only bolstered the president’s economy-focused message as he gears up for what is sure to be a grueling 2020 re-election fight. As Democrats increasingly make the election about the president’s character and controversies, the string of positive jobs reports are complicating any efforts to expand that message to run on more traditional kitchen-table issues.

“I’ll be running on the economy,” Trump said flatly, speaking to reporters at the White House Friday.


This is good news for the President, where the economy remains his greatest strength. As unemployment continues to go down, wages are also increasing – leading to more general prosperity instead of a select few in the upper class. With no sign of slowing down, the American economy is becoming the envy of the world.

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5 years ago

Its past time that appointees are still being held up by Dems. What happened to Nuclear option?

5 years ago

Interesting,,, jobs, jobs & more jobs, Not to mention the record low unemployment, awesome gdp growth and all the other accomplishments that have our economy booming!
I remember election night when all the MSM outlets were telling us that by morning the market would crash and we were doomed! Ha, good thing they don’t get paid for thinking and their opinions mean nothing, or they shouldn’t anyway.
Along comes Hussein and he is whining that HE is not getting credit for Pres Trumps booming economy. What? He is delusional! He spent 8 years terrorizing small business and using regulations to stifle companies which in turn we saw record loss of jobs, businesses shutting their doors which led to RECORD UNEMPLOYMENT. The 1st Pres to not see gdp numbers above 2 or 3% and told us that was the new norm, get used to it. He also told us that manufacturing jobs were GONE & would not be back. He mocked candidate Trump and said “How is he going to bring back manufacturing jobs, does he have a magic wand”? No, it did not require a magic wand you baffoon, it took a successful businessman who loves America and knows how to create wealth and grow business & jobs!
I find it curious that on election night when all those libtards in the MSM were promising doom & gloom, if Hussein had really done ANYTHING that would spur the growth we are seeing, why did they not say that? Why? BECAUSE HUSSEIN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TRUMPS BOOMING ECONOMY. He knows that too but he relies on the ignorance of his minions to buy his BS just because it comes out of his lying mouth.
The tax cuts afforded me to see the first year of my life that i did not owe the ungodly amounts of the past. Getting rid of the individual mandate of the failure called “Obama Care” was also a Godsend. That saved me an additional $900 i did not have to pay the IRS.
Wake up people… Hussein is lying when he says this is “his” economy, lying plain and simple . If you ask yourself if you are better off now than you were when Hussein was in office, there is no way that answer can not be YES, of course you are better off. Even if you got less of a tax refund it is because your take home pay was higher.
I prefer to stay on this track and that’s exactly why i will be on a mission to make sure Pres Trump is re-elected!

5 years ago
Reply to  kim


Joan Freda
Joan Freda
5 years ago
Reply to  kim

Try convincing a left wing socialist dem. …Facts and figures are far beyond their ken…They only believe whatever is poured into their tiny little brains by the socialist manipulators in Washington.

GySgt. Lew
GySgt. Lew
5 years ago
Reply to  kim

DREAT COMMENT Kim, Everyone should read this – Trump I @)@)..

5 years ago
Reply to  kim

All well and good.
In the meantime unemployment, low wages, and economic stagnation plague California were Democrats have a stranglehold on nearly all government offices and jobs. The continue to tax & regulate us and business to death to support a huge influx of illegals and underpaid visa workers. Only the richest, most corrupt Socialist Democrat Establishment Elite are doing well here.

5 years ago

As the trends of both, the rising GDP and the falling Unemployment numbers are maintained, perhaps for the first time in the history of the nation, we will see that GDP exceeds the Unemployment numbers.
That is when we expect Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman to advise the Depraved Democrats to concede the election and assure President Trump’s re-election by acclamation

The Bumper Sticker “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS” should have shadow figures showing people of different ethnicity. Do not worry about the shadow faces sex or gender for the Depraved Democrats do not know what they are. Maybe ITS.

5 years ago

Everybody remember the keep on trucking guy strutting along from back in the day?
Saw bumper sticker yesterday that showed Trump in the same strut. With Keep on Trumpin below him.
I gotta git me one of those!!

GySgt. Lew
GySgt. Lew
5 years ago

Sorry – Got Rushing. It was Trump in 2020.

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