6 Ways Trump is Fighting For Border Security

4.) State of The Union

The President sounded the alarm on immigration at his State of the Union address, this further brought the issue back to the eyes of the public as many political opponents had been down playing the issue.

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5 years ago

Excellent Negotiations Mr. President.
USA Must Remain Sovereign.
>Demographics Must not be ‘tipped’ to
an ‘ illegal underclass’ @ NWO Agenda.

6.) Securing Funding
President Trump has been in fight after fight to secure funding for his wall, he has almost raised enough for the wall. More than $1.3 billion was secured through Congress, another $2.5 billion from the Drug Enforcement Agency, and a whopping $3.6 billion from under his executive authority. He has a little over $7 billion for the wall so far and the fund is growing every day.

5 years ago
Reply to  zee

What happened to the Executive Order? Odumbo did it all the time as well as others, is it because the Democrap party is afraid they might lose some of their drug money? DO it, let them file lawsuits, I don’t know what they would base it on, since the precedent is already there. Take it to the SCOTUS…
My great state of Texas also offered up money to help out, so now Texans are helping with the wall that would benefit All Americans. Don’t know what happened to Arizona, they feel the brunt pretty good over there. I also thought he had DOD money, and like a trillion dollars sitting in unobligated funds (he can do what he wants with it). Of course the idiot party will fight him the whole way, but I think he expects that, and hopefully prepared. I suggested to him that he have DOJ/IRS investigate every Demorat because they’re all going to have shit in their closets. The question is where America would care is say, Booker acknowledges on TV that he molested a woman years ago when examine Kavanaugh and after “Spartacus” said this, he STILL went after the Justice, did anyone get up in arms? Hell no. We are a dumbed down America, with no morals and ethics since Obama.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Dan. EO = $3.6 Billion ! W/ DEA 2.5 Billion. W/ Congress
1.3 Billion. ADD TEXAS w/ several Billion on ther Own.

Albert Gomez Leonardi
Albert Gomez Leonardi
5 years ago

Great, is not about arguing back and forth, but doing!
Please, check this ancient conflict with a wall…
Nehemiah 4:1-14…

Daniel Mount
Daniel Mount
5 years ago

This wall on our southern Border would have been built but you and I do know that these very evil Democrats and that very evil Nancy Pelosi are fighting the President both Tooth and Nail against President Trump on everything he needs to do in his Presidency and that is not right. Nancy Pelosi needs to go to prison right along with all of these women Democrat Politicians. That is treason.

5 years ago

Yes D. Mount. However, inch by inch, The wall’ /FENCES ARE
Being Repaired etc. As we speak.

5 years ago
Reply to  zee

ps . & the $7 Billion MUST be USED WISELY.
( & not ‘contractors’ ‘Ripping 0ff’/ or ‘stalling’
for the Big ‘$ buck’. Capish, no? (Mr. Pres.)

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