7 Ways Trump Stands Up for the Unborn

#4: Pro Life Rally Remarks

“will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the right to life.” – President Donald J. Trump

President Trump made these remarks from the White House Rose Garden and they were broadcast to the March for Life in DC. His pledge to continues fighting abortion was reaffirmed in these remarks.

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5 years ago

Thank God for a President that does stand for the innocent, unborn babies. There is NOTHING progressive about murder. The death penalty for those guilty of heinous crimes is deemed as i humane & cruel but somehow leftist liberals find it perfectly fine to MURDER a baby. Nearly unbelievable.
Thank you Pres Trump!

Carolyn Acheson
Carolyn Acheson
5 years ago

Yes, it’s great that our President is for the unborn.

5 years ago

It’s also great that Trump stands for what makes America great and doesn’t give everything away like Obama did. The wall would solve a lot of problems for U.S. then we could work on our own improvement in so many areas.

Gladys Randolph
Gladys Randolph
5 years ago

President Trump has been very successful in so many ways to MAGA, but this is the greatest, to be against abortion. It is a blessing. If anyone can and has the courage it’s President Trump who can and will do a lot about it. It’s about a life or death need for the innocent unborn! Thank you, President Trump!

Albert Gomez Leonardi
Albert Gomez Leonardi
5 years ago

What is good about abortion promoters is that they are showing their true colors. Their agenda is deplorable, someone called them infanticide, and who knows what other insane policies they carry.
Meanwhile, we have a president that represent US, the people.

Mike F
Mike F
5 years ago

Democrats represent the worst evils in America. They push ‘free everything’ enticements to our youth – for votes – with no way to pay for it. In many schools, colleges, universities, even religious schools, they push brainwashing our kids on environmental falsities, No Jesus, Mohammed (and all his brutal, extreme, physically and mentally women-degrading dogma – OK) and mind-bending Common Core where 2+2 does not equal 4 until you go through a crazy checklist, possibly not arriving at the answer! Then, they attack our modern society, with all its advanced forms of transport and want U.S. going back to the horse and buggy, while they would still get to do all that, as the elite after they are through downsizing the rest of our lives! Let’s not forget how a promising career could be ruined with one bad tweet, while someone who makes millions – playing a game – can kneel before our flag during the Anthem of our country screaming injustice and oppression – when it is the Democrat Party perpetrating most of it, as during the Obama administration where hate on police and exploiting racial strife using false narratives (Ferguson where a kid tried to take a cop’s weapon away during a bloody struggle inside a cop car and another with the false ‘don’t shoot’ cry replacing an actual oversized young man charging a cop – who shoots to protect himself) was used as a tool to promote dis-unity and violence. Democrats hate Our constitution as it gets in the way of their twisted Freedom-Taking plans for America and, in particular they hate our 1st Amendment and do not want students expressing their own ideas in school unless it is those twisted beliefs to which they, themselves support! They certainly do not like our 2nd Amendment, which supports citizens using firearms to protect themselves from criminals, to do not want a concealed gun carrier to be there highly populated settings or school shootings – to take out the shooter because it would also take away another propaganda opportunity to grab guns from ordinary, law-biding citizens. This amendment also supports citizens using armed force, if necessary, to remove a government which has progressed towards blatant tyranny. To cap off this sad resemblance of a political party, which Abe Lincoln himself thought would be the party that guards our freedoms, Democrats now push for free, unobstructed murder of infants inside and outside the womb, including those who have survived the brutal process of killing – known as Abortion to which a falsely named cabal, known as Planned Parenthood (should be named Prevent Parenthood) carries out by the many millions! Dems support anything and everything that will erase any semblance of America – with all Her Freedoms and Opportunity and strive to replace it with a single ruling party, setting themselves up as the Elite, while the rest of U.S., Our Kids and Grand- Kids – would be relegated to living in hopeless slavery of poverty and government oppression while they set themselves up, with the majority of our hard earned income being confiscated so they can live the high life – at our expense! Sounds great? Of course not!

5 years ago

Thank you Mr. President for 7 ways. However,
HEK IS ‘still shuffled to Major Co’s in Food/drink. (Pepsi) etc.
> Sorry folks, (IF you drink Pepsi.) Would you be interested
in List’ of Major Co’s ???
> ADRENOCHROME/AMBROSIA remains & available
To Your Adversaries, so it has been said.

5 years ago
Reply to  zee

I Remain LIVID .

5 years ago

Treason is a badge of honor for the Godless NAZI Commie liberal Racist Demoncrat Party and RINOs! The party of hate, hypocrisy, lies, deception, Fake News (Russian Collusion and Jussie M hoax) the list is endless! And the clueless minions that follow them!

5 years ago

Just remember – OVER 330,000 Abortions Ev’ry YR
FOR ‘satanic ‘recycling’. ADD MORE, Beyond PPH.
> Yes N, ‘clueless? minions (souls) are totally ‘ taken Over’.

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