Tag: Pelosi

Pelosi’s Impeachment Stunt Could end Badly

A new piece in the New York Post is claiming that history will not look favorably upon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi because of her latest impeachment stunt. According to the New York Post: The speaker’s decision to go all in on impeachment is fraught with danger and could have fateful consequences far beyond Donald Trump’s

Ukraine Breaks Dem’s Hearts by Confirming Its Officials Won’t Testify

Ukraine officials have informed the House Democrats that they will not participate or give testimony in the Trump impeachment inquiry. According to The Hill: Ukrainian officials will not testify in the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Trump, the nation’s foreign minister said Tuesday. “We don’t have anything to do with this at all,” Vadym Prystaiko told

Trump Slams Dems for Secret Meetings With Former Admin Members

President Trump is slamming Democrats for holding secret meetings with former Trump administration officials in an attempt to find information that could lead to impeachment. According to The Hill: President Trump on Tuesday complained that Democrats are “allowing no transparency” by holding closed-door hearings with a cavalcade of administration officials as part of the House impeachment inquiry. The president claimed

Trump Picks Trey Gowdy to Help in Impeachment Fight

President Trump has picked former U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy to help him fight the Democrat’s impeachment efforts. According to Town Hall: The Associated Press reports that retired South Carolina Congressman and former Chairman of the Oversight Committee Trey Gowdy has been asked to serve on President Donald J. Trump’s legal counsel to deal with the

Pelosi and Trump Deal Possible Despite Impeachment Inquiry

Despite the ongoing impeachment inquiry by the House Democrats optimism still remains high that a deal on trade could be reached between Nancy Pelosi and President Trump. According to The Hill: President Trump has said that an impeachment inquiry would block all prospects for cooperating with Democrats on legislation, but the furor seems to have had

Pelosi Threatens Trump With Investigation

Nancy Pelosi has threatened Donald Trump with a new investigation if the administration blocks a whistleblower from testifying to Congress. According to The Hill: Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the complaint over President Trump’s call with a foreign leader “must be addressed immediately” and warned of a “new stage of investigation” if the administration blocks the whistleblower. “This