Tag: Boeing

VIDEO: Trump Tax Cuts Save Manufacturing Jobs (Under a Minute)

President Trump showed the world that American manufacturing is back on track. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is working, and is saving manufacturing jobs that have  suffered in recent years under bad tax policy and heavy regulations. This brief video is a great way to show your friends that American manufacturing is roaring back.

VIDEO: Trump Talks Tax Cuts in Missouri

One of the most rewarding outcomes of tax reform is listening to the stories of real Americans whose lives have been made better. This week in Missouri, President Trump heard many of these personal accounts as he met with workers and business leaders in St. Louis. One person spoke about how tax changes have made

President Trump’s Tax Cuts are a Windfall for Americans

“At the heart of our plan is tremendous relief for working families and for small businesses.” President Donald J. Trump TAX CUTS COME HOME: President Trump’s tax cuts have brought real, tangible benefits to American families and businesses. As a result of tax reform, over 430 companies have announced pay raises, bonuses, or 401(k) hikes,