SUPREME COURT: Taxpayers Owe Insurers Billions Because of Obamacare

The Supreme Court has ruled that the US Government (US Taxpayers) owe healthcare insurers billions of dollars due to Obamacare.

According to The Hill:

The 8-1 decision on the $12 billion risk corridor program is a victory for insurers, but comes well after the funding could have had an impact on the ObamaCare law.


The risk corridor program was meant as a temporary financial incentive that Congress offered insurers to stabilize premiums and encourage participation in the insurance exchanges. The program sought to discourage insurers from setting premiums high by protecting those with sicker customers then expected.

Insurers that made money were supposed to pay into a fund, which was used to reimburse plans that lost money. However, insurers quickly lost money and the program paid out more than it took.

But Republicans called the program an insurer “bailout,” and introduced measures that prohibited the use of taxpayer dollars to fund the program, which sharply reduced the amount of funds available for reimbursement payments.

The Supreme Court has decided that theUnited States Congress does have an obligation to pay insurers.

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4 years ago

Anyone who thinks Obamacare was worth 2 CENTS IS A FUCKING IDIOT, Obama screwed EVERYONES HEALTHCARE UP..

4 years ago

Obama is the gift that just keeps on going. we ought to send the bill for his “legacy” to him, he can pay it out over his lifetime. SO tired of his crap he did to us, and we’re still learning about. What a guy. Wonder if the dumbed down Americans who voted for this illigimate president are proud of themselves? SO happy Hitlary didn’t get voted in, thank God.

4 years ago
Reply to  dan

Hey Dan, the problem is there are still too many useful idiots out there that support it. I belong to a gaming group that has people with differing political attitudes. One of the lefties tried to get us to say, and I’m paraphrasing ” hey, what do you think about Obamacare now, seems to be pretty good, yes?” My response was “it’s a disaster” to which he just did the “whatever” thing. The point is, no matter how bad something is in reality, a lot of people will still support the intended (and we can argue about that) concept behind it.

4 years ago
Reply to  dan

The insurance companies helped write OvomitCare for the purpose of reaping massive profits for themselves since people would be forced to buy their products. Naturally they are upset because their plans fell through. We should said NO to covering for their greed. Some may say I am a conspiracy theorist. I knew this was true during most of the development of this original bill. Someone I know very high up in a major health insurance company confirmed it for me. It is not a secret.

4 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I think Joe Biden, his son, his brother, his sister…….should repay the insurers. After all, Touchy-Feely Joe was obama’s VP – this was heavily pushed by them and they profited from it. The Supreme Court got it wrong – those who DID NOT buy into Obamacare have no skin in that game.

4 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that ignorance and stupidity have merged and that there is no cure for either of them. The liberal left, being communist and liken to the dnc has fallen into the precipice of Koolaid. Sadly, there is no return.

4 years ago

Well, here it is. The loophole clause hidden deep within the bowels of the un-Constitutional ACA bill. The no lose contract the communist dems designed so insurance companies would experience a NO lose situation. Looks like the note has been called by the insurance companies and now is the time we pay for this huge mistake!

4 years ago

My taxpayer money is not going for OBAMA CARE. The Surpreme Court had a chance to CAN it and didn;t . It not my problem, its the evil DEMS, like Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc. so go after them.

4 years ago

Obama is an illegal alien he cheated his way with Clintons help therefore, we will not find a damn thing he did that help anyone of us. We should hang him for his crimes or the electric chair Americans should not waste one more nicle on that terrorist.

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