Legal Experts Give Insights on Civil Rights Lawsuits Against Rittenhouse

Legal experts have bad news for those hoping to be successful with civil lawsuits against Kyle Rittenhouse.

According to Townhall:

A unanimous jury found Rittenhouse not guilty because they believe he fatally shot Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and injured Gaige Grosskreutz in self-defense. Jacobson indicated that the self-defense argument “will be just as overwhelming in a civil case.” He also shared that “[t]here is no obvious basis for a civil rights prosecution against Rittenhouse.”


For someone to be found guilty in a civil suit, the test is of a preponderance of evidence, rather than reasonable doubt, though Jacobson shared that test will fail too.

As Professor Turley mentioned about a Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit:

The Justice Department does not have an office for the prosecution of “miscarriages of justice” due to errant jury decisions. 

Rittenhouse was acquitted on state charges by a state jury. Moreover, while some have called for reducing self-defense protections, the jury applied the law as it currently appears on the books. It is not allowed to simply ignore the law to seek our own criminal justice rules. 

The Rittenhouse jury faithfully applied the Wisconsin law and came to a well-founded verdict of acquittal. It is a dangerous precedent to investigate jury decisions simply because you disagree with their decisions.

There is also no clear basis for a civil rights prosecution. Rittenhouse is White and shot three White men. He was not accused of a hate crime. Moreover, he is not a member of law enforcement or government agency, so he did not deprive anyone of their civil rights under federal law.

However, civil lawsuits by Rosenbaum and Huber, the deceased in this case, could see more success.

Deese stated:

The families of the deceased protesters, Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, might have an actionable case for a civil liability case, some experts have noted, pointing to the families of Ron Goldman and Denise Brown who filed a civil lawsuit against O.J. Simpson after a jury cleared the former athlete of double murder charges. A civil panel found Simpson liable for Goldman’s and Brown’s deaths, and he was forced to pay a sum of the $33.5 million judgment.

Some legal analysts say the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence instead of beyond a reasonable doubt could prove advantageous to prosecution if a civil case was brought against Rittenhouse.

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2 years ago

For all those who fill civil lawsuits against Kyle Rittenhouse : Now it’s your turn to suck it up, dear libturds.

2 years ago

Hey Dailly, erasing my comment means bending to the libturds ?

Rob Porter
Rob Porter
2 years ago
Reply to  kappelvo

If I were you I wouldn’t waste time erasing your comments. They’re appropriate. I marvel at the mean-spirited country America – and world -we now live in. To liberal scum it’s a crime to protect yourself – and your property. I hope that business-owners get around to shooting looters, then shooting politicians who support looters. If a governor or two, or Kamala Harris who supports criminals, goes down in a hail of lead, then so be it.

William Petite
William Petite
2 years ago

Evil never takes a break, nor do those that embrace it. This case should have never even been tried. The news coverage of it was false, misleading, and slanderous of the defendant from the start. Every person on the face of this planet, has a right to self-defense, it is a God Given Right.

George Peabody
George Peabody
2 years ago

Rittenhouse deserves a Medal of Honor for defending USA against the Enemy Within who were attacking him.
Also, KAMALA: What is important to know and fight against is this fact that Kamala is usurping OFFICE by election2020 fraud, and she is not eligible for VP or POTUS because she is not a Natural Born Citizen of USA as her parents were alien student visa travelers NOT US Citizens. Like the 2-Term Usurper Muslim Infiltrator Barack Obama who has finally admitted he was born in Kenya not USA, Kamala Harris must be arrested immediately for her federal level felony treasonous crimes, then after prison, both she and Obama should be deported and banished from USA forever!
Biden/Harris are usurping Offices by way of massive collusion with China’s CCP to corrupt our 2020 Elections, and therefore they must resign immediately , or be arrested for TREASON.
The very WORST thing Obama. aka Barry Soetoro did, was usurp the Office of POTUS, two times, to which he was not eligible as a foreign agent ISLAMIC Jihadist infiltrator, and admitted Enemy of our Constitution FOR the USA, and seething with hatred against White AMERICANS.
Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett now Demands Vaccine Mandates for Americans!

Werner Moentmann
Werner Moentmann
2 years ago
Reply to  George Peabody

Grosskreutz should be charged with 2 counts of murder- that of Rosenbaum and Huber. The individuals act together in committing a felony, they are each responsible for the results thereof. Together they chased Rttenhouse down, knocked his down, and threatened him with serious bodily harm- a felony. As a result 2 were killed in self defense by Rittenhouse.. Since, Grosskreutz was committing the felony, he should be charged with the murders of the 2 that were killed.

Rob Porter
Rob Porter
2 years ago
Reply to  George Peabody

What sort of rubbish system allows a pig like Barack Obama not to be investigated when questions arise over their place of birth? Where did you learn that Obama was born in Kenya? His Kenyan grandmother long ago said he was born there, but nobody wanted to investigate. America has become astoundingly corrupt.

Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly
2 years ago

The evidence was plain as if etched in a Stone Tablet stating “Thou shalt not Threaten to Kill an armed man and then chase him when he runs away from you, if you do so your a Moron, maybe a Dead Moron, if he is made by your pursuit to Defend Himself.” Moses had 10 to carry down the Mountain and God said leave this one behind, its a “given”.

Deplorable Lanie
Deplorable Lanie
2 years ago

How will they charge wrongful death when they chased Kyle? This whole thing is ridiculous and they know it, they are being spurred on by the Liberal elites who have nothing too lose, and no standing to tell these people they should be suing Kyle. He was found not guilty – they chased him – they pointed weapons at him – they got shot. They were looking for a fight and they got it, just not how they wanted it to go down.

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