GOP Leader McCarthy Reveals Terrible Thing About COVID Relief Bill

Of all the money in the COVID-19 relief package, only 9 percent of it actually goes to COVID.

According to Town Hall:

It didn’t take the swamp long to come back in full force after former President Trump left office, and there’s no better example of that than the COVID-19 relief bill, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said.


Speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, McCarthy said that “only 9 percent of it goes to COVID.”

“What they are doing is telling you the swamp is back. Everything you have warned your viewers about before the election is coming true in this bill,” he said.

“I’m going to point out something that is either so obvious it is idiotic or so obvious it is brilliant,” Gutfeld said on “The Five.” “The stimulus is a device for the government to give itself more money, think about it, we are watching an entity writing a check to itself, sure, we are getting some money out of it, which was oh, by the way, our money to begin with, but this is now a political version of money laundering.”

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the bill is not COVID relief but a boon for progressive policies.

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3 years ago

We all knew this would be the case. That is why the Democra(p)s fought so long and hard with all the election cheating to make sure that their biggest obstacle to their takeover and defilement of the country–President Donald Trump–was rendered powerless and tossed out of the loop. To be frank, though, I am surprised they are allowing even nine percent to seem to go toward the actual intended purpose of the bill. Knowing the evil Ds as we do, I would think it would be closer to only 0.9 percent, one-tenth of apparently what they are allowing to slip through their greedy fingers at this point. Then again, this is only the first draft of the bill. We will see what they whittle away from us when the bill actually reaches its final version.

3 years ago

I think this relief bill is a joke when only 9 % of the money is for the people and the rest is a joke on the american people that don’t need it or why don’t they just use the last trillion relief money that hasn’t been used yet to give to the people that could use and then don’t have to pay for the rest of the garbage

3 years ago

Any Congressman or Senator that votes for any “Covid Relief” bill that can be 100% be traced to “Covid Relief” should never be elected again. Recalling many of them should be more than on the table. For instance, Traitor Pelosi who has constantly acted outside of her Constitutional powers and should be investigated for sedition and treason.

3 years ago
Reply to  Donald


3 years ago

When are Americans going to put the Democrats where they belong – all on a small raft deep at sea. None of them are anything better than fish food.

3 years ago

The Dems just keep showing us how criminal they are , This bill is meant to further bankrupt America , per their soros-socialist NWO agenda goals & to benefit communist china .

3 years ago

Dam democrats. Put them all on a boat sn send it out to sea. Get rid of them. Hello what happen to the American people that pay their dam wages. Stop their income Until they show some support for those that put them into those jobs. American jobs ruined. But they all still get paid. Disgusting

3 years ago

AND there is still $1 TRILLION unspent from previous relief bills. Nothing short of the Democrats buying votes and spending our country into oblivion as they use this pandemic to march us into socialism!

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago
Reply to  Randy

I’m sure it’s hiding in their bank accounts for safe keeping. Then when this BS fades into history they will still have it.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

This bill has so much garbage in it, that will affect ALL our lives FOREVER.
Wake up people and pay attention to is voting for this garbage.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

They know how gutless Americans are and they are flaunting it in our face. They think they can do anything and everything and we the people will jump through hoops and kiss their ass while robbing us blind, selling us to China. Obiden thinks they can just write an EO and we good little people will give them our guns and them a raise for leading us down the path of slavery. SICK of this BS. Time for the SECOND American civil war and clean out the government once and for all. Maybe we can start over with some honest people for a change. Most everything they do fills their pockets and screw us with our own money. I PRAY there is JUSTICE somewhere for these criminals. GOD BLESS and PRAY for American and Israel.

Richard Faith
Richard Faith
3 years ago

As long as we have SO-CALLED “elections” and political parties “providing” us with all the candidates, we are STUCK with this accursed situation. Rather than being limited to the SO-CALLED “choice” between a democRAT candidate and a Republican candidate who were BOTH SPONSORED BY THE VERY SAME GLOBALIST CABAL, we would be infinitely better off if our governing people were chosen by a DRAFT LOTTERY, to serve one single term in one single office, LIFETIME LIMIT.
1) political part”ieS” would wither away and die, and long LIVE the DEATH of them;
2) the influence of laundered money to promote and prop up candidates would be NEUTERED;
3) most of them would be OUT OF OFFICE FOR LIFE long before they had the time to learn how to FLEECE us;
4) the threat that the Globalist CABAL holds over our SOVEREIGNTY would be significantly weakened.
Richard William Faith
central Florida

3 years ago

If You Know A DemonRAT punch that M F’ r in the Nose. If YOU are a DemonRAT?… Kill yourself for you are as worthless as Tits on a Boar

3 years ago

Sadly, those of us who READ and seek information from sources other than MSM apparently are the only ones who have a CLUE as to what is going on in DC. The Ds who think Biden walks on water believe in everything he or his administration say or do .For example, although I realize there are people who have passed because of the BUG, do I really believe 100,000 since January, as reported by NBC? Absolutely no other causes? None of this is sensible, but then again, the Ds think it’s a great way to hold us down……but, for how long?

Daniel Rhoads
Daniel Rhoads
3 years ago

By the way folks, that $1400 stimulius they are going to get back when they raise our taxes to 50%v or more to pay for their illeglal alien benefits for they are giving their new American illegal alien voters!!! SCREWED AGAIN???????????????????

3 years ago

Today the looming chinese communist tyrannical patriarchy, as I walk thru stores and checked many objects, most are made in China, I can sense the tears of sorrow of the enslaved children and women that have lost their life, liberty and happiness making those objects and barely survive,the tyrannical chinese patriarchy has their citizens enslaved in the name of profit.

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