Dems Waging Unfounded War on Trump’s State Department

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The Democrats have launched an attack on President Trump’s State Department and it is unfounded.

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

A report released last Tuesday by Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) made shaky criticisms of the Trump State Department—arguing that crises of expertise, competency, and diversity abound when in fact such accusations are misrepresentative, a foreign policy expert says.


The report, which was picked up by Chinese state media last Wednesday, points to a brain drain from Foggy Bottom in the Trump administration. The State Department and a Heritage Foundation expert, however, dispute that notion.

The report, for example, argues that the lack of diversity among diplomats is creating a “silent morale crisis” for the State Department, but also mentions a significant uptick in diverse representation in the State Department ranks. It also notes that few minorities hold senior leadership positions, but then acknowledges on page 39 that “the overall proportion of racial and ethnic minorities at State increased from 2002 to 2018.”

“We’re working hard at it,” Pompeo said of diversity to Sen. Chris Coons (D., Del.) in a hearing last Thursday. “We’re making progress, but I would agree that the rate of change is insufficient.”

The Dems are also accusing the department of being sexist and racist based on a report about the US Ambassador to Great Britain, Woody Johnson.

The problem with these allegation are that there is only a sole accuser. The Washington Free Beacon reported that the sole source of Johnson’s misconduct allegations is Johnson’s former deputy and noted Hillary Clinton adviser Lew Lukens.

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Ron Brooks
Ron Brooks
3 years ago

They are just butt hurt because Trump is working for the American people, not the democrats & their corrupt masters. Their game is over. He made the promise, they are now learning that he meant what he promised, and we the people are not only far better off for it, but extremely happy with his efforts. The only thing we want from the democrats, is for them to get out of his way.

Donald Pugh Sr
Donald Pugh Sr
3 years ago
Reply to  Ron Brooks

I want more, I want them gone and a few RINO senators with them!

Dewey J Bowser
Dewey J Bowser
3 years ago

Fucck you Democrats

Ed Covney
Ed Covney
3 years ago
Reply to  Dewey J Bowser

Only dems use foul language Dewey. are you a dem?

Jason Tuia
Jason Tuia
3 years ago

Drain the corrupt D.C. SWAMP, Mr. President!!! #MAGA!!! #KAG!!! For God, family, and country!!! God bless the USA!!!

Tim Kuehl
Tim Kuehl
3 years ago

Brain drain from Foggy Bottom? With the State Dept. suck ups giving the farm away under past administrations makes me wonder how many with cognitive “brains” were there before President Trump took office. Losing that bunch is a plus for our foreign policy and a big plus for the sovereignty of our country. .

3 years ago

Nothing new . The entire administration has been under assault for many years and will certainly continue to be!

Larry Wayne Larson
Larry Wayne Larson
3 years ago

Who listens to bub menendez? He is a convicted ethics violator who has no moral authority to be heading ANY ethics related commitees.

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