New Overhaul Program for Child Support

The Trump administration has released a new plan to enforce child support payment. The Washington Examiner reports:

The White House has called for an overhaul of federal child support enforcement to shift more responsibility for children’s welfare from the government to parents, part of the administration’s larger welfare reform agenda.

In a previously unreported report to congressional Republicans, White House officials recommended requiring parents to cooperate with child support enforcement in order to be eligible for government benefits, including for programs that do not currently have such requirements, such as food stamps and housing aid.


Such requirements are needed to save taxpayer money and “demonstrate that parents, rather than the government, should be the primary source of economic support for children and families,” the officials said in a draft of welfare reform recommendations sent by the White House to congressional Republicans obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The recommendations also call for redirecting funds to work training for absent parents who owe child support.
This is a huge step to reform welfare entitlements.
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5 years ago

Yay! Pay for your own kids!

Ingrid Forsberg
Ingrid Forsberg
5 years ago

Great idea. My mom sure could have used that in the late 40s/early 50s when my father left her with 4 children (2&1/2 to 15 years of age) to take care of 100% by herself. He had girl friends, bought himself a new car, went to the horseraces… while Mother cleaned 2 houses a day & wasted not a penny to feed, house & clothe us. We had to move when the rent was raised $5.00 per month. We did not have $5.00 more a month. Meanwhile my father spent all his money on himself. Even 5 or $10.00 a month would have been a huge help. So yes, I think President Trump’s overhaul plan is good.

5 years ago

What a Great idea! Make parents accountable! When parents are required to be accountable, then there is a good chance their kids will likely turn out to be accountable rather than purple haired, body ringed and tattooed derelicts sponging off the government!

Tony Winters
Tony Winters
5 years ago

shift more responsibility for children’s welfare from the government to parents
What a concept, holding the people responsible for producing the child responsible for taking care of the child. It is about time, I am tired of seeing my tax dollars being spent to subsidies someone elses sex life. If you can’t afford to take care of the child, keep your paints on

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