President Trump Vs. Democrats On Immigration

Democrats in their own words:

  • Senator Chuck Schumer in 2009: “We must create a system that converts the current flow of primarily low-skilled illegal immigrants into the United States, into a more manageable and controlled flow of legal immigrants who can be absorbed by our economy. Let me elaborate, the first of these seven principles is that illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now, and on rationalizing our system of legal immigration. That’s plain and simple and unavoidable.”
    • Also here’s then-Representative Chuck Schumer in 1990 before Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1990:
      • “For the first time we’re saying it should not simply be family relationships that determine who comes here,” Schumer said. “This bill says if you have a skill that America needs we’re going to accept you. In the past that was very very very difficult, less than 4% of all immigrants came because or were admitted to this country because we needed their help in the job market. And now that percentage will increase significantly. And so it’s the first time that we’ve really recognized that economic competition, the need for new skills and new ideas, that for whatever reason aren’t be supplied by our own workers, will happen.”
  • Senator Bernie Sanders in an interview in 2015: “Open borders […] that’s a Koch brothers proposal… That’s a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States… It would make everybody in America poorer —you’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world which believes in that. If you believe in a nation state or in a country called the United States or UK or Denmark or any other country, you have an obligation in my view to do everything we can to help poor people.
    • …You think we should open the borders and bring in a lot of low-wage workers, or do you think maybe we should try to get jobs for those [American] kids? I think from a moral responsibility we’ve got to work with the rest of the industrialized world to address the problems of international poverty, but you don’t do that by making people in this country even poorer.”
  • Economist Paul Krugman in 2006: “Immigration reduces the wages of domestic workers who compete with immigrants. That’s just supply and demand: we’re talking about large increases in the number of low-skill workers relative to other inputs into production, so it’s inevitable that this means a fall in wages… the fiscal burden of low-wage immigrants is also pretty clear.”
    • Krugman separately notes that “a review of serious, nonpartisan research reveals some uncomfortable facts about the economics of modern immigration… many of the worst-off native-born Americans are hurt by immigration… Finally, modern America is a welfare state, even if our social safety net has more holes in it than it should — and low-skill immigrants threaten to unravel that safety net… Realistically, we’ll need to reduce the inflow of low-skill immigrants.”
  • Then-Senator Barack Obama in 2006: “The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century,” Obama wrote in The Audacity of Hope. “If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”

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Paul E Wlodyka
Paul E Wlodyka
6 years ago

I agree with President Trump Skill, desire to work and respect for America

6 years ago


6 years ago

The So Called Democrats, their way or NO WAY. Republicans will NOT fight back.

6 years ago

For so called Democrats-their way or NO WAY, Republicans will NOT fight back.

Larry OBrien
Larry OBrien
6 years ago

From the standpoint of a STRONG America, there can be no doubt that the present system SUCKS!! The “old” democratic view CONFIRMS this statement. However, when the democrats started to RELY on “uneducated, welfare dependent voters”, their outlook on immigration changed abruptly. This country CANNOT afford to be the welfare capitol of the world. If we wish to truly Make America Great Again (and there are many who apparently don’t!!) it is essential that we change our immigration laws: Merit based without lottery or chain immigration. Relatives may VISIT (but NOT receive aid) and if they wish to remain, they MUST demonstrate financial independence (as a U.S. Citizen must to REMAIN in Mexico).

6 years ago

Good concept for normal situations, please don’t forget the oppressed by governments like North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela, specially persecuted Christians.
God Bless,

Karen Fowler
Karen Fowler
6 years ago

The pathway to citizenship should include American history classes and tests like the ones other immigrants take in order to become citizens.

6 years ago

This DACA should not be kicked down the road to next year, get these LIBTURDS to the table now with the midterms coming and get it done or not at all if it goes past the March date. They want it next year so they can stop it.

norm Delisle
norm Delisle
6 years ago

If immigration is so important, then let them stay with no right to vote, no chain migration therefore giving the democrats no extra voters.
End of problem.

We know that will not happen, so turn it back on them.

Paul Z.
Paul Z.
6 years ago

President Trump, please keep showing how Democrats said the same thing about OUR Immigration System, both Legal & Illegal LAWS. Don’t ever back away fro the BASIC Pillars of American Immigration: Merit Based, Reduce Legal Immigration, END Chain-Migration & Visa Lotteries/Overstays, A fully secured Border with at LEAST 700 Miles of APPROVED Wall, NO Citizenship, just Legal Status because there are MANY waiting LEGALLY for Citizenship, NO Future Amnesties or Legal Status for anymore Illegals, Enforce LAWS & End Sanctuary Cities/States, Mandatory E-verify, Local, State & Federal Enforcement. Time to solve this MESS now, once and for all-time!! Grateful for ALL you do President Trump!

Sarah bueno
Sarah bueno
6 years ago

The wall has to be build.
Give them residence and in 10 years w good behavior can be citizens, no one bring family here is they are been leaving alone that were their choice. So they can go and visit them or stay there.

jayme sousa
jayme sousa
6 years ago

Thought this short video would bring home subtle but real changes, DACA and unbridled “open Borders” will bring to these USA. View the video and appreciate the catastrophe saddling ALL Euro Zone with wrong headed Global One World Order. After ALL, America, isn’t this what Illegal Immigration is REALLY all about? Pray. Amen. God Bless America. Read A Bible. Psalm 128. The part where the lady tellingly explains Facebook and Zuckerberg’s ploy in this crafted “cross-pollinating” immigration scam is telling, to say the least. View the video. Learn.

Janice Gibson
Janice Gibson
6 years ago

All of these comments make sense. We need that wall and I am all for imigration but only after making sure of their background and they must learn the language within a reasonable amount of time and be able to contribute to our country rather than just take take take and try to change our way of living. Why they try to make our country like the one they left just makes no sense at all.

6 years ago

And the chant should go up every time one of these same Democrats stands at a podium from now on and proclaims the “need” for a path to citizenship for every foreign national in this country illegally. The chant, while pointing at the speaker: “That is what hy-po-cri-sy looks like!” And keep repeating it. #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery and #BuildTheEffingWall

And then, #EndBirthrightCitizenship (It was never intended to apply to babies birthed by an illegal alien.)

6 years ago

I keep hearing end all illegal immigrations , everybody knows what the problem is but all I ever hear is talk no more talk POTUS needs to take action no matter how drastic it is we the people have had enough of the Dems hate and discontent so let’s get behind our POTUS and push harder to get the wall built,stop chain migration,top bowin to th crybaby Dems and rhino who all they want to do is belly ache about how they lost money they were stealing from the American people and putting they’re greedy selves first instead of working for the real American whom they forgot who put them in these offices and stop the few greedy people who think they own the The Geat United States they to have seemed to forgot how they got in there position if people weren’t buying these products they wouldn’t be there few exceptions Last. But Least stop your belly aching and get behind our POTUS.

Joseph J. Turecky
Joseph J. Turecky
6 years ago

The best way to help poor people is to help them to help themselves: Just like our immigrant forebears did. Open borders on silver platters just won’t cut it!

6 years ago

The demon rat progressives changed their mind about illegal immigrants once people started to realize what they were all about, which is their own power over us. They are for illegals now because they’ve lost voters and need new useful idiots.

6 years ago

There is NO reason for them to be here…they need to stay in the thoer own country and besides with all the hard times there is no pace fo rthem and they demand more an dmore of what belongs to us..THAT WE PAY FOR THAT THEY GET. IT CISED MUCH DISGUST OF THEM. Tehya re a nuesense and a cost we cannot afford. They msut go and worl and live in theri won country and leave us to live in peace in ours. There should be rulw wnforced that make them stay out…A WALL WITH SOLDIERS STATIONED THER ETO MAKE SURE THEY DO NTO…..THAT THEIR GUNS ARE LOADED! No other nation lets people walk all. over them as our government lets happen…we hate ti and will have to take matters into our own hands if the governemtn is too weak or stupid to enforce the laws we have. Who Do the they THINK they are anyway; the illegals or our stupid government? THEY DON’T LISTEN TO US AND THAT HAS TO CHANGE!!…THEY MUST LISTEN TO US AND STOP ALL THIS RUINATION OF OUR COUNTRY! dc IS AS MUCH TO BLAME FOR THIS MESS AS THE MOOCHING ILLEGALS AND BOTH ARE very WRONG! We must feed and cloth our own, jobs are ours and so tis this land so wake up, stand up and get with it to make this nation great again…and keep it free or we will become commies and sick mindless twits like the lefters and Dems are. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE SICK OF ALL OF IT AND IT IS TIME THINGS WERE MADE RIGHT OR THE GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO GO– AS WELL AS ALL ILLEGALS AND NOT YEARS FROM NOW—IT NEEDS TO BE NOW…NOW!

6 years ago
Reply to  madpatriot


6 years ago

Keep ICE pushing through third-world California and sharpen their teeth to do a thorough job. Let’s clean up CA’s voter rolls as well. CA is not only illegal in many of its actions but is downright dishonest — stuffing its voter rolls with more voters than is the actual population of eligible voters in some jurisdictions.
We really need the wall pronto. And let’s step up control on immigration and visa overstays. No amnesty for DACA freeloaders either.
Let’s continue exposing that so-called youth rally for what it really is: the reducing of those students to monkeys on a string by kingpins in the democrat party. Those students are really being used (or prostituted) by democrat hacks.

5 years ago

The Wall, serious immigration reform AND ENFORCEMENT , and ICE with National Guard assistance will do it. The President is on course. Let’s all back him.

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